At the arrival gate , a group of seven to eight people walked out , all black suits and steady paces. To stop from any harm happening because of crowed of reporter and other.

Everyone trying to ask question to shareholders and investors trying to break free from bodyguard to jump out and asked further question.

In midst of commotion a black Mercedes Benz come in entering gate of building followed by 3 to 4 car. From the car Ally, Andrew and Kevin come out of the car and made there way to the entrance and when media se them the were ready to pounce on theme and ask question.

SI group is one of best world multination company , and won lots of award . SI group main work is Indrustial work but when Liam take over the company he decided to make SI group to new height so he decided to added 2 more profession on it Jewelry and fashion world .

SI group opened the new way of the new profession to make SI corporation worldwide and world famous company from a mere little company.

After seeing after seeing that SI corporation president and vice president had arrived media rain on them with question .

Reporter 1. MR.SI what do u think about company share that is falling like wind.

Reporter2. MR.SI we heard all shareholder wants to pull there share out of the company.

Reporter 3. Old MR.SI can u tell us what is this meeting about.

Reporter 4. Can SI corporation able to survive this crisis .

Some media company is live broadcasting the news while some trying to cause more trouble like .not giving anyone any chance to response.

Reporter 1. We hear SI corporation is going to fall how do you think u are going to solve this , don't u think its right for shareholder to pull there share out of your company .to losing further there goods .

Reporter 2. Mr.SI don't u think u are no longer capable to hold the position of CEO.

REPORTER 3. DON'T u fell shame on front of your worker to call yourself a CEO.

Reporter 4. Old Mr. and Mrs. SI don't u think your son fail as a son , father and as a businessman what do u think about all this situation . don't u think this company is going to fall because of him.

After hearing this question Kevin body start to tremble each question is like a arrow piercing his heart. He fell suffocating like whole world is betraying him seeing his son like that Ally anger turned in fury like a fire she turned to reporter and start to vent her fury on reporter like a dagger and chukled before saying.

" ha hah ha this reporter here seems like u know about business more about your why don't u join business and leave media if u know about people education that much why don't u become a teacher instead of becoming a reporter and the question u are posing like u are a lawyer don't u think u have gone in wrong profession go and first think about your own profession and than talk about business and as for my son is capable or not we don't need to know from u am I right dear" ally said to Andrew.

In answer Andrew scoffed "yes dear you are right and by the way LIAM didn't learn about business inside his mother womb he walk on his father path his father shows him how to become a businessman and a gentle man "

After a pregnant pause Andrew spoke again "as for our company we know how to solve it"

in the midst of crowd 3 car arrived .




Followed by BLACK BUGATTI LA VOITURE NOIRE Every car is limited editional come out of view and stop front of the entrance gate where reporter is causing a ruks . everyone wants to see who is coming out from the car the SI family member also rack there brain on thinking who have come in these cars every reporter surrowned the car to catch a glimps of owner of these cars .

Afterall this is not the simple car every car worth is millions doller so the owner of the car is equally big shot .