Jordan speak again so as the member of SI family I hereby announce that the new CEO of our company no one else than my son Harran SI is everyone, so is there is someone who has a problem with this decision.
The three people who spoke when Emily entered the room spoke again in unison.
"No sir we don't have any problem we all support your decision from know onward Mr. Harran will be our new CEO."
After a few moment of silence no one spoke anything and those who wants to say anything can't able to say anything because they are small shareholder and to attend this meeting is already a big deal for them.
Just when everyone think that the decision is final and wants to meeting dismiss someone of them can't able to hold anymore and blurted out.
"I OBJECT" Everyone turns around in the direction of the voice that comes from middle of the shareholder meeting table.
That person is no one else than the newly appoint CEO of BO Corporation Aaron BO and the right side of him the person that was sitting his father Allen BO .
Aaron was Liam best friend come good brother and like them Kevin and Allen was also good friends in arm they both served the army together and have very good relationship with each other.
When Jordan heard this he sneered and after a while said with a gentle tone.
"I know BO family have a very good relationship with my brother family but this is about the matter of company we can't decide the thousand of hundred people livelihood in your feeling I am right so I think u should not think about your interest and think about other"
"Am I right everyone?"
After hearing Jordan tone Aaron snapped and said "What do u mean by our interest u are telling me that we are selfish?" "How dare u".
Then someone else said "Are u not, don't u know about company condition but still u are blurting the nonsense here.
Aaron wants to say something but his father stopped him and tell him to sit so in the end he have to sit after seeing his father signal but he was very frustrated and unhappy about it .
After seeing his son unhappiness his father shook his head and move his gaze toward the lady who is sitting behind the scene like she is watching a movie and herself was calm like a water but he know when her calmness broke there is going to come the storm In meeting room and going to knock out everyone ONLY IF MY SON IS ALSO LIKE THAT THAN MAYBE I AM ALSO FREE MYSELF OF ALL WORRY AND TAKE MY WIFE TO HOLIDAYS LIKE MY FATHER.
When Emily feel that someone is watching her she move her gaze toward the Allen and she nodded to each other and smiled in acknowledge. And averted there gaze like they never see each other.