Introduction -5

After hearing his father word Aaron felt wrong he inwardly thought to himself "Was I that stupid huh, father always scolded on me I wouldn't talk to him anymore humph".

Seeing a prestige company CEO and CHAIRMAN acting like a child who had been bullied by one another Emily chuckled inwardly but didn't show anything on her face now she decided to come on the main point now and cough 2 ,3 times to get everyone attention toward her and show a calm expression on her face. And said.

"Sorry everyone for the trouble but relax everything will be clear now and as for mister BO I am sorry for my bad hospitality I don't know that your popcorn had finished but don't worry I will give u treat after everything is settled " .

Before she can say more Mr. Bo says again with a michiviuos tone 'ok I will only forgive u, if u treats me in my favorite restaurant".

"Have I ever broken my promise to u" Emily said after gritting her teeth.

"Oh know I think she become angry I how can I forget when someone cut her words of she become devil' mister BO said sheepishly "no u never forget how can I doubt u hehehe lets talk about work right work".

Aaron almost cough a mouthful of blood from his face he face palmed himself after seeing his father.

Everyone seeing them like a idiot as the 2 people bickering in front of them they really wanted to smack there head on table see if it was real or not the way a high mighty CEO acting in front of the little young girl they really wanted to worship this girl who managed to make him like a scared child someone almost has the urge to ask what is happening but in back of their head many living yama is standing and because of them they can't even breath.

Ok relax everybody let's talk about business now after saying that she talked to the soldier to take the gun down on everyone head and stand aside.

After seeing the gun is retreated from their head they really wants to thank Emily for her graciousness to let those living yama retracted those gun from their head after everyone sit again on there respective place Emily started to talk about company business so let's talk about business now .

So as my big grandfather said that I have nothing to do with this company that I wants to ask what right do he have to chose my uncle to become a CEO and demote my father the question I am asking not only him also everyone and specially Zhang brothers who is sitting here lazily tell me everyone because my soldier brother don't have much time for talk so I wants to end everything early and also there are more works is here that I need to settled so please give your answer after thinking