For a while the meeting room again become silent no one had ever thought that in this meeting room they will get to see that much drama and a little girl bit by bit expose everything and give the one another explosive news and as for those who was thinking that they had everything wrapped around there finger know had nothing only shame and a regret.
Yes regret to misunderstand someone who had already turn their lives upside down until now they have everything whole SI Corporation there under and now they are about to kick out from this company just because of a little girl. Who he had never taken as a thread to his position now has become a poison for them. But she can't do anything with me I still have hoped.
Really How can this happen now did not matter now he don't have to worry, what if company goes out of his hand he had his illegal business the oil ships after thinking his mind become calm then before but who know after calming down himself he is going to hear a earth shattering news.
So know everyone knows the answers of their questions right then there is anyone else who had another questions.
Before anyone could tell MR. BO son Aaron who is sitting there patiently until now suddenly asked Emily "Miss SI we know the answers of questions but can u tell us but why is this army here today." Everyone also nodded their head for his support. After gearing his question MR.BO nearly give his son thumbs up and thought to him "He is my son indeed" and smiled inwardly.
"Sure Emily notices his reaction and smiled then said to Aaron MR. BO your are really a curious person like your father really but unfortunately I don't have a heart to give u answer why don't you ask them yourself".
After saying that she sat the seat beside Andrew and cross her legs in a lazily manner and massage her temple between her brows she was really tired after landing here and right after kidnapping, hospital, shares, and much more in a short while many thing had happened her head truly hearts, seeing Emily like that john give her a water bottle and give sign to soldier to proceed their tasks.
After working with Emily john know her very much outside the building whole media is waiting for her that's why he had invite a finest privet company media company and they had already broadcast the meeting and they will only right that much they will be given permission by them.
Seeing john sign the soldier move forward and said in high voice that everyone can hear and clearly.
"We have found in our investigation that apart from betray SI Corporation elder MR. SI had also done cheat in with government and we had found his much illegal business.
First - drug supplies,
Second - sending our country good out of border with illegal method.
Third - we had also found his illegal oil shipping business.
And we have also found his illegal properties out of country like black money, building also other things and the government had already seized his all properties."
After hearing Jacob words Jordan immediately pass out on the spot. And Harran also kneels in floor.
So now we have government order to take them in custody and anyone tries to escape shoot them on the very spot without any doubt and from now on his all properties will belong to government. After saying his parts he ordered to soldier to arrest elder and Harran who is kneeling in the floor motionless and waiting for his sentence.
When the 2 soldier put handcuffs on his hand and other soldier lift Jordan and tie him up.
Just when they started to drag him Harran immediately started to laugh like a maniac. When Emily hears his laugh she stands up and walked toward him. Irritating from his laugh soldiers started to drag him out of the room.
Seeing they had no intention to stop he started to laugh much more loudly and shot his blood shot gaze toward Kevin he wants to strangle him to death if he is going to die than he also wants him to die together with him, if he can't live happily than Kevin also don't have any right to live happily. Just when he was about to touch Kevin a sudden kick landed on his face by emly. Emily was watching his reaction from start how could she did not know his intention.
Smack (sound of kick)
Seeing his intention Emily dragged Kevin right side of her and give a him a fierce KO that landed right on his face.