"Then tell me mister ZED as a CEO of SI Corporation what punishment should I give to that person" Said Emily while clenching her feast tightly ready to beat the hell out of him until he begs for mercy.

She said every word loudly to make sure to let every employ hear it.



Zed heart was beating that fast like his heart was going to jump out of his throat. Now no matter what he tries to do he can't able to make himself calm, and in the end his whole body started to tremble like he was standing in a center where earthquake was happening.

Lucas who was standing with him swore if someday ZED meets him in street alone he will beat the hell out of him. Ever since Lucas started to work with Liam he never felt that irritate like he was feeling today.

Seeing that zed have no intention for answering and Emily is also standing there in unhurriedly manner is making Lucas patience to wearing thin. And without wasting any minute he stated the answer of Emily question.

Let me answer this question miss Emily "According to what u have said the one who dares to sold company confidential secret and become the cause company to go almost bankrupt will be dealt by law and the company will make sure to at least make his whole life to go through life time prison."

"Wow Mr. Lucas I am proud of u"

Hearing this answer Emily decided to close her question and answer classes and decided to go through other matter and let her pray fall in trap by itself. And then she said again.

"Ok now let's finish this intro classes and let's do some work"

"John bring them in"

After saying that Emily walked toward elevator to go in company meeting room that is blow the top floor of CEO room. The secretary wants to escort Emily but before they can say anything Emily have already hoped in elevator.

Before the door closed Andrew shouted toward Emily and said.

"Hey, I am also coming wait for me."

And in response Emily said to him "the elevator for senior citizen is right there"

"Hey u little lass who are u saying old man your father is old I am still young"


After said that he hear the laughter turning behind him but didn't care about it. Kevin mouth twitched and thought (if I am old then who r u). And then he heard a satisfied answer from Emily mouth.

"And u are his father than who is old" after saying that Emily hoped in and closed the elevator.

Andrew gnashes his teeth while shouting again at the closed door.

"Hey u little lass I am still the chairman u know" while pointing his finger toward his face. And walked toward senior citizen elevator. Seeing that Kevin have not followed him he shouted and said to him "Hey u old man why are u not following him."

Hearing his word Kevin mouth twitched but still followed his OLD FATHER. John wants to follow him with ZED but after seeing senior citizen sign he walked to other employee elevator and hopped in.

Bahhhaaahhaahha after they all gone to the elevator the other employ who was trying to hide their laughter until now burst into laughter.

On the other hand when john and ZED with CEO Secretary and the higher ups come toward there with their staff. Emily was already sitting in room while her leg closed and discussing something with bill and on the other hand Andrew was still furious about the word old man and keep nagging at his son.



"Come in please."

"CEO u invited us,"

"Yes" said Emily"

After placing the files to the desk and looked at them with her indifference gaze and said to them.

"I hear some people from u wants to resign I am right."

"Yes u r right" The manager of design department spoke in that very second.

"Can I know the reason Mr. Leo?"


"Then please enlighten me. Can u?"

"Sure, it's my honor."

"Then tell me"

"Other company are giving us better offer and the SI Corporation are going to bankrupt sooner or later that's why" SAID Leo and mocked at Emily.

"And why do u think that SI Corporation is going to be bankrupt no one have taken the legal action until now toward SI Corporation then in what basis are u saying that" asked Emily while leaning back in her chair.

"Hah' do u thinks a mere child like u can save the big empire name SI Corporation"

"What if I said yes" said Emily lifting her lips upward and giving him deadly glare.

"Hah' u really wants to kill me while laughing hard. U think a mere girl have that much ability to save a multi thousand billion company to revive from sand. Don't joke little girl because it's not funny at all even a little bit." Said Leo while drinking water.

"Are u my girlfriend so I will joke with u Mr. Leo. So please don't think too highly for yourself"

"Puff" the water all spill on all over Leo pants.

Ha-ha u are really funny my darling I love u the most"

"More than grandma" said Emily while walking toward Leo"

"Not at all" said Andrew while his eyes were still on Emily back.

"So Mr. Leo according to u I can't save the SI Corporation then what about u? What have u done to the SI corporation until now"

"You" Embarrassed Leo cant able to utter anything from his mouth for a while.

"What can't able to say anything if can't then shut your mouth up and listen to me carefully. And answer my questions honestly"

"Why should I listen to u I am not your servant" said Leo furiously.


"YOU ARE" roared Emily while kicking the empty chair beside Leo.

"In an instant whole room fell deadly silent people can also hear their heartbeat beating rapidly and our poor Leo almost wet his pant. On the Kevin was in astonishment and bewilderment because he never have thought that Emily become violent in front of everyone and was about to go near him but he was held back by Andrew who start to scolding at him at the exact moment.

"You stupid son of mine where do u think u r going stay here quietly if u don't want me to kick you out of here"

"But dad she" but before he can finish he was interrupt by Andrew harshly.

"Shut your mouth or else I will told cherry to not let u in your room instead let u sleep out of the room in this chilly weather"

Kevin instantly shut his mouth up. It's because he was afraid from Emily it's because he cared about her and respect her like he respect his mother and now he also loved his daughter more than his son they are the love of his life. Especially Emily who had spent very little amount of time with him after that terrify and scary incedent. In midst in his thought he again hear Emily word and come out of his daze.