
When Leo hears Emily word he didn't believe it and think that she is just bluffing and then said to Emily immediately.

"U little girl your joking is going to far no one here believe in your word. U really thinks that everyone who is standing here is an idiot so u decided to manipulate them to fall on your trap. Well I have to say that u really has good skills but unfortunately u are trying to show your skills at the wrong person. Well u don't need to lie anymore at last I have already seen your potential toward your work and unknown to anyone what I think about u have been proved. And...….."

Before he can talk anymore Emily interrupted him and said to him in stern voice "And I don't need to know that from u what u think about me I know it already. And u know what, I don't give a damn about what u think about me. So please u don't need to waste your breath on me and instead of this, if u have read the newspaper this morning that will be batter for u. because u are digging your grave by your own hand and that's why I am happy today that I am going to teach u a lesson for your short-sighted thinking and going to make u as an example."

After a pregnant pause Emily said to everyone again.

"Well I think many of u still doesn't know what was going on here in your own country right. So let me show u something please look carefully because what I am going to say this time I will not going to repeat for some idiot like u. cause I don't wants to waste my breath on some bunch of idiot like u"

Then she took a newspaper that was folded on one fourth size of it and showed it to Leo face with brutally. And Leo immediately try to catch the newspaper that was coming In his face but unfortunately it was already late and the news Paper already smashed on his face. Leo felt very humiliate at the side of himself and the pain that was followed by humilitation on his face he couldn't help but wants to kill Emily in this right moment.

But was that really possible? Of-course not .

Leo bear the pain in his face and went doesn't to take that paper that was fallen on floor and hold it and carefully to take a look at the content of newspaper carefully after reading the content like the earth under his feet started to shaking and could not help but fall onto the chair behind him seeing like this everyone become suspicion of the content on newspaper and started to whisper in each other ear.

Zed who was standing behind him also take a peek at the content on the paper and his already pale face become more pale his knee that was already weak before now fully give up the way and make him to fall on the cold floor.

And then everyone heard Leo mumbled something to himself but cant figure out anything like what he wants to say. But one thing here everyone understand that whatever happened here is definitely something cruel. And also understand one more thing that the little girl was not something that anyone can take advantage of. And if she want she can make the very amount of mountain to bow in front of them.

Like Emily said she is going to make this matter a example in front of everyone she really did it.and as for Lucas he was really happy for what happened today because of his sources he had already found out what happened at the shareholder meeting at the moment and he was really thankful to god that he was not behind in any kind of mishap that happened with company and as for those who are in Emily clutch of hand he really don't care about them instead he wants Emily to crumbled them and torture them. And like Emily he don't give a damn about them.

And as for Leo and Zed when they read the content on newspaper and saw Emily smiling face they already know that they are both finish infect not only them they are more people who was going to finish like them. And at last they heard Emily voice again with a mocking chuckle.

"So uncles how is the gift?, did u like what this little girl did to u? and what more that little girl is going to with u know? Well before telling u let me give few more gifts to more person. U will not mind if u wait for a while right? Well what even if u mind this little girl here is not going to care about your minding or not minding."

In next second a ding sounded almost most of the peoples mobile phone. A notification reminder and everyone instantly take their mobile out to check the notification.