When Emily and Lucas and john was still in meeting and discussing about new major product.
Miss its incredible I really can't believe this, until last day no one wants to help us to save the company, they even started to treat us like plague but today don't know how many big company wants to corporate with us even 4 major company offered us to collaboration with them. They even give us numerous calls and even their CEO is ready to meet with us personally to show their sincerity in collaboration and their work, we just need to accept one product and we can again rise like a mountain in front of other. Then we can see who dare to challenge us and our company.
Said James who was near his 50 but still look like a mature and young man but there is one thing special about him when he started to believe someone then no matter how big the difficulties become he will never leave that person alone. Like he did when everyone wants to leave the SI Corporation he on the other hand thinking about his upcoming salary.
Thinking about that Emily couldn't help but shook her head in amusement. And then said to him with a serious voice but a faint smile on her face that could not be hide no matter how serious she looked.
"Uncle James it's enough we will discuss about it later now I need to know about something else. Let's talk about something else now Mr. Steven after collecting everything that we have seize and the after recollecting the money that was embezzle previously how much fund we have.
Hearing his name called by Emily Steven immediately straiten his back and answered her while smiling "miss its indeed a good news after recollecting everything that belong to SI Corporation we indeed have 5 time much more fund now that we have previously"
"It's good then here I have selected a project from sky conglomerate in the current time of periods u can keep a team for other project but for this one I wants u all to personally handle this project because I can't afford any kind of mistake in this project so u need to personally handle it no matter its about design, finance, marketing, project executive or It department I want all of u to handle it personally. And please remember one thing that the content on this file must remain confidential no matter what? Or else your whole work will become like nothing. And I believe like u all can do this RIGHT" Said Emily while giving them the file.
Seeing Emily believe on them that much everyone was overwhelmed by that and they happily take the file from Emily hand.
"It's very good then u all can leave now the meeting is adjourned"
Just as everyone was about to leave john turned to look at Emily and remind her. "Boss its almost evening we need to go to the charity gala dinner at the 7 pm"
"Boss is u sure u wants to go alone if u wants I can also go with u"
"No need u should go somewhere else and mind your business first. And remember u are both my trusted people I don't wants to lose any of u so make sure next time when I see both of u I don't wants to see u both unhappy"
"Yes boss"
"And ask Elvis to prepare a dress for me in advance and tell him to go to the SI mansion with 2 more beautiful dresses for mother"
"Sorry dress for madam but why" john asked in confusion. After a while of thinking he stared Emily in disbelieve and said loudly "Don't tell me"
Emily nonchently nodded to him and said calmly "she is going with me tonight"
"Holly shit"