Just as Nathan was about to tell him about Emily someone opened the door of the room and 3 to 4 people walked in the room. After hearing little treasure question Felix and Hugo did not wait for Nathan to answer instead they walked toward him and said to him excitedly "He is going to gift u a pretty little mom don't you always nag him to get married see your father finally find a mother for u"
While Thomas sneered at their reaction and couldn't help but call them "cheesy" and Lucas looking at their direction confusingly.
Hearing their answer little treasure already lit up eyes shone more and more brightness and in the end, he jumped in Nathan's arms and hugged his arm tightly and asked him in affirmed tone "Really Daddy"
"Yes, my son" Nathan smiled and nodded his head to assured him while rubbing his face.
But suddenly something comes in little treasure mind and his smile disappeared as he looked downward and retract his hand in disappointment. When Nathan saw his little treasure retracting his hand and tensing up he frowned held his hand more tightly while asking "What happened do u not want a mother anymore" as Nathan said other people also looked little treasure curiously.
"No, I want a mother," said little treasure meekly and sheepishly but Nathan heard everything and asked is return "Then what happened why is u sad what is worrying you"
"He is probably worried about his pretty little mommy will like him or not," said Thomas while looking little treasure reaction.
As Thomas said his word Nathan immediately frowned and was about to sooth little treasure when little treasure looked at Thomas and hold lift chin high to stare in his eyes and said to worryingly. "Uncle T u r wrong I am not worried about that of-course with my beautiful and handsome face my mommy is going to love me.
"Then what are u worried about" this time it was Felix who asked the question.
"I am worried that what his mommy didn't like Daddy"
The 4 friends in the room?????????
Was he cursing me to not like by Emily for god sake I have been waiting for the love of my life all these years will u please not curse my love life and let me have a beautiful wife to cuddle with me.
Ha-ha-ha hearing his word Lucas and another burst into laughter while Hugo laughed that loudly that his tears almost fell out of his eyed.
Seeing them laughing Nathan give a deadly glared to his friend and then stared at the little treasure and then said to him "don't worry your mother and I know each other from since birth"
"Oh then from whose birth your or mother"
hearing this Nathan expression darkened What nonsense is he speaking today? Is his intention of bringing him was wrong today. After living with Ethan my son's IQ has also become low. Off-course I know Emily from her birth. After all, when my mother gives birth to me not even Liam came in this world much less, Emily. In this world, the only thing he regrets was coming early in this world and this was the thing he doesn't want anyone to point out.
"if u talk anymore I will not take u to meet your mommy do u understand," said Nathan while giving a threatening glare to everyone who is laughing a moment ago.