6. Matilda. Friends alright.

"You are weirder than I thought." I said starting to walk away. "And possibly crazy. No you're crazy. You need to visit a therapist and Asap!"

But even as I said all these my stomach was filled with flying butterflies. Did that make me a hypocrite?

"People call weird the things that their little brains do not understand. Take for example there is more in the dark than in the light. Life itself is darkness and only in darkness can we truly enjoy light yet everyone is so obsessed with shining light into the dark not knowing that the dark should be embraced in it's full form."

"You know I would have assumed that you you are a smart one and knew these things, but then again looks can be deceiving." He finished. He had this grin on his face I wanted to slap away.

"Do not ever call me little brain. Just so you know I am top of my class and it has been like that for a very long time. As long as my birth." I snapped, I was fuming the nerve of this guy. "As a matter of fact you can't beat me in anything."

"There is more to wisdom then grades." He chuckled and I could see that he was hell bent on annoying me.

"Fuck you!" I hissed. "Let me be! Stop following me around!"

I made to walk further away from him when Noah's hands around my waist brought me to a standstill. He pushed me to the locker and brought his face so close, so close i could smell his minty breathe.

"Do not use curse words." He growled. There was a darkness in his eyes I could not understand. But then he smiled immediately. "You look so scared," he laughed "I'm sorry I was only teasing you. Common let's go eat." He said letting go of me.

"Do not tell me sorry." I hissed dusting my immaculate white gown. "You annoy me." I muttered as I started to walk away.

"That's because I like you." He drawled. The he ran in front of me and raised his hands up in a surrender.

"I promise not to annoy you again. Pinky promise."

I didn't react even though i could feel a smile creep up my face. I looked to the side watching students as they walked to the refectory in groups mostly.

"So lets call a truce. Matilda do you forgive me and accept to be my friend?" He asked stretching his hands for a handshake. "Common look at me if not I'm going to cry." He pouted. I could not help but smile.

"Alright fine!" I exhaled facing him. "Just know that I'm only doing this so you would get off my case!"

He looked so happy. He smiled broadly then be gave me a quick hug.

"But you don't even know me." I said as we separated from the embrace.

"I am about to." He replied.

That day, lunch together with him was so fun i looked forward to seeing him and having lunch with him the next day. Although a part of me still felt that it would have been the better if Julian was here instead.