
"What do you like?" Ezra blurted, in his panic to keep the situation from worsening. He was genuinely interested in what type of men she liked or what he could do to impress her and make her like him.

Daphne was unaware of his intention, considering his question was quite broad.

After some contemplating, she responded,

"I like Asian food."

Daphne was unaware that Ezra knew most of her likes and dislikes. For him, getting a briefing from the butler about her activities, the food she ate and the brands she liked was one of his favorite times of the day, there were times where it got mundane, but when he did not ask, he would feel deprived, much like an addict.

The helpless butler had become something of a gossiper because he would have to ask Daphne's maids and driver for information related to her, every day.

"I mean, what do you like, in men?" Ezra clarified, almost continuing to say 'I want to know how to make you like me.'

"Oh." Daphne paused and started mulling the question.

"Looks wise, you are ideal … but you already know that…"

With a glimmer in his eyes and a hard to conceal smile, the infatuated man asked,

"Oh really? What's ideal about me?"

Staring to sport a pout and a frown, Daphne was confused by his sudden compliment-seeking behavior. It seemed a bit childish, she did not think they were close enough for this type of behavior. But, as she reviewed her situation, one where she was sitting on his lap, where their faces used to be not even millimeters apart, she was forced to reevaluate her assessment, and she concluded that "he was making an effort."

With reluctance, as she was noticing his expression start to dim again, she started speaking.

"I like the fact that you take care of your body, you are not too buff, nor too skinny. You are tall and you look very good in suits, your long legs and toned body compliment all the clothes you wear. But of course, high quality custom made suits suit you best. And… ummm… you are extremely handsome, and your eye color is … mesmerizing…" Daphne had gotten progressively more and more embarrassed the more she spoke, but since Ezra's expression just radiated more and more happiness with her every word, she cautiously spoke more.

As much as Ezra was trying not to show his adoration for her on his face and how much being appreciated by her made him happy, he was having a hard time not smiling, eventually he was just sporting the widest of smiles.

Daphne found his expression of pure joy, blinding.

His boyish enthusiasm was warming her heart and she loved the way he looked visibly happy with just a few words from her. The smile he was presenting her now, she had never seen before, and it was having an absolutely devastating effect on her.

"What else do you like? Not based on looks though." Ezra further inquired.

"I like men who can dance." Daphne smiled. His mood was infectious and it was making her forget her reluctance and fears.

"I can dance, and if you are not content with my present skills, I can take dance lessons until you do. What types of dances do you like?"

Feeling mischievous, and being aware that Ezra probably already knew most forms of formal dancing, Daphne answered,

"Boyband dances, the sexy kind, just for me." She said with a grin.

Seeing Ezra try to wrap his head around the information, she continued.

"Korean boybands make a good example."

With a look of surprise, Ezra asked,

"You like Korean boybands?"

"Just the way some of them dance. Some of the choreographies are wonderful."