“I do”

After a few seconds of where Ezra tried to wrap his head around the random conversation they were having, he asked;

"…Wait… so I would need… backup dancers?" Ezra asked with concern.

Daphne was joking, but she would definitely love it if he did anything of the sort for her. Daphne was under the impression that they were being playful when he asked that, not that he was genuinely concerned as he had already decided to do what she first said she liked.

Small misunderstandings like these were unavoidable as the two did not know much about the other. Daphne was not aware that Ezra did not really know how to take jokes, or that he held her on a pedestal, such that he would not even consider anything she said as not important or not serious.

This information coming from her lips… being the first thing that came from her… all these years, Ezra had already given dancing prowess a deep importance. He was not trying to banter with her, he was genuinely concerned.

For Ezra, it was good approach, as Daphne would not say something that goes against her thought patterns, as such, even if something was said as a joke, there was no harm in implementing it.

Not knowing this, Daphne smiled widely for the first time in all the time Ezra had known her. Her smile was mischievous and playful.

"That would be better, yes. And even better, if they are your friends!" As she said this, Daphne raised her hands to the back of Ezra's neck and intertwined her fingers, to later lean back as he had done. Now they were both leaning away, but keeping each other stable.

Daphne's body had relaxed, she had two points of support, Ezra's hands on her back and her own that held onto his neck.

"What else do you think is necessary for your enjoyment of such dancing?" Ezra was stuck on the same train of thought.

"Well… charisma? And confidence?" Daphne said, completely at ease by this point.

While Ezra was deep in thought, Daphne squinted her eyes a little and she asked with a relaxed, but serious tone.

"Why are you being so accommodating? You basically allowed me to take advantage of you. Sorry about that, by the way. I did say that I was sexually frustrated, but … even I did not think it was to this extent."

After a short pause, she continued,

"This is not how I envisioned today to go, at all."

Ezra was now fully focused on Daphne again, not sure what to say, his mouth opening and closing a few times.

Daphne was good at reading people, but as much as she saw love in Ezra's expression towards her, she did not think it was possible, or even plausible.

Nonetheless, she did not want to beat around the bush too much, and this was a very good opportunity to pepper him with information and see his reactions. With him being generally unguarded right now. The proximity would make his reactions easier to understand, as well.

"Ezra… do you like me?" Daphne asked, fully prepared to scrutinize his facial expressions; and then gauge and analyze all the emotions that made themselves visible once he comprehended the question.

Stunned, Ezra's face sported a small gape and slightly widened eyes. After a moment, shorter than the time it takes to take a full breath, he answered,

"I do."