Do I need a reason?

Ezra looked at her deeply and commented,

"Just think of it this way. Who else am I supposed to like? You are my wife." Ezra expressed, in a calm, whisper like tone. With his deep manly voice, which was engulfed in powerful emotion, his tone sent shivers down Daphne's spine.

"And what exactly are the things people like in other people?" Ezra continued, in a rather rhetorical tone.

Daphne shrugged her shoulders, there were many reasons as to why a person could come to like another, and she did not know what Ezra was trying to say as, depending on perception, many different answers could be considered correct.

Seeing that Daphne did not understand what he was trying to say. Ezra started enumerating,

"Looks… abilities… assets…"

As he said "assets," Ezra could not help but look directly at her well-endowed bosom. After all this time, he could finally and properly admire her from up close. Not from behind a computer screen, not from pictures, and not from sneaking glances.

While still looking intently at her beautiful curves, he paused, exhaled strongly, gulped, and licked his lips while groaning out a clarification

"These types of assets, too."

Seduced by his behavior, Daphne gulped as well. She was starting to lose track of the conversation.

Noticing her dream-like expression, Ezra lowered his hands from her back to her hips and seductively asked "Tell me, what do you lack?" While pulling her on his still erect member and slightly lifting his hips.

Daphne gave a deep moan while her hands clenched on his neck.

"Daphne, do I really need a reason to like you?"

Daphne bit her lips and went to hug him, placing her chin on his left shoulder.

"I guess you don't." She finally murmured as she went to lightly bite his ear.

A shiver went through Ezra as he felt her slight tug on his earlobe. The shiver had been strong enough for Daphne to feel as well; it made her grin and hug him tighter, as if she wanted to dispose of any distance between their bodies.

Daphne honestly wanted to do much more than this, but she did not think the time and place were right. She was just stretching time as long as she could as she was trying to figure out how to get them both out of his office without it looking too suspicious.

She wasn't sure if Ezra was aware, but the crotch area of his pants was damp because of their intense activity earlier, and she was mostly to blame for that.

A whole scenario was going through Daphne's mind. How would a maid react if she saw that? Would Ezra look like he had an accident in her eyes? Would people figure out what they had been doing? Was it any of their business?

Now that— whatever this was— just started, she wanted complete and utter privacy. She wanted nobody to know, and she was not sure if she wanted this due to how exciting it would be to sneak around, or due to some internalized shame at how fast she jumped him.

Daphne wanted to at least pretend like it was a gradual process, and not that she was so `thirsty` that she attacked him. The staff was professional, but something like this, after so many years, they would definitely chat about it, she knew she would — as it was a sudden, and baffling turn of events.

Daphne had looked at herself earlier and she concluded that she would look inconspicuous, since she was wearing a dress, but he definitely wouldn't.

While Daphne was lost in thought, Ezra was feeling very content, yet extremely uncomfortable. Content due to her closeness, uncomfortable due to the same exact reason. He was still hard, but he was reluctant to overindulge himself.