Not an update.

I would like to announce that I will no longer be updating this story. I have written more chapters, but I will not be posting them.

My story is free, but if I use my time, emotions and skills to write a story, I have the small hope that maybe, sometime in the future, I could buy myself some food with the proceeds if my novel gets contracted.

I now know that it's an impossible wish.

Considering the fact that the site fastnovel keeps posting my story without my permission, especially after I have already emailed them to stop, I have decided I will not aggravate myself further and just stop posting. I have no power to make them stop stealing my work. They would not listen to me. Not only that, they kept updating after I emailed them, if that's not a "F you and your wishes," I don't know what is.

Maybe I will think of a solution later, but at this time, I am just tired. Having no power over your own thoughts and work feels pretty defeating, like I am an ant on the sidewalk.

When I first found out, they had only posted 27 chapters and had not updated the rest, but now that all the chapters are up, I give up.