sweet mouthed guy

All the three men were relaxed after awhile and started enjoying the time. Finally Long Tian felt relaxed in Zi Peng's company. Externally Gong Bai seemed fine, internally he couldn't stop thinking about the Mysterious Person.

Zi Peng caught the sight of Gong Bai frowning and thinking about something.

"Gong Bai, What is still bothering you? Is it the Mysterious Person who helped us?"

Gong Bai nodded and said

"Yes, Master. I don't care if any women is creating trouble after Long Tian, but I don't want anyone to trouble you. Of all the years I have known you. I have seen you truly happy only after you met young Madam."

Long Tian spit his drink after hearing Gong Bai.

"Gong Bai, we are not brothers anymore."

"Stop bickering!When are you both planning to grow up. I think it's time for you all to get married." Zi Peng said in serious tone.

"Marriage is too much of work, don't suggest that to guys like us." Mo Liuxian said as he joined them.

Zi Peng sighed heavily on his hopeless friends. He turned to Mo Liuxian

"Where is Zi Zexian, I thought that he will be coming with you."

" Zi Peng, your little brother dumbed me to play with his Sister in law."

Zi Peng looked confused

"What playing? With whom? tell me clearly?"

Mo Liuxian looked at his friend

"Actually he messaged me saying he couldn't accompany me due some work. But when I reached the hotel. I saw him bring your Mother, Sister in law and another beautiful girl in the car. I followed them till game Zone in level three. They were all forming team and playing."

Mo Liuxian paused and said

"Zi Peng, I thought that after Marriage you will be the one to ditch me. "

Zi Peng wanted to run immediately to Game Zone and join his family. But for sure, these brats will make fun of him.

To divert the topic, Zi Peng narrated the today's events to Mo Liuxian.

"Tian, Maybe you should find out about the Mysterious Person and get married to her. your life will become interesting. What say you?" Mo Liuxian teased

Long Tian didn't respond to him, just glared at him.

Suddenly one waiter came towards Long Tian to give him a special drink and folder paper.

Long Tian opened the paper, it was written

{Long Tian, our game just started. There's nothing to lose. so let's just have fun in the process. Bye Baby 💋}

His eyes widened after seeing the note on the paper.

Zi questioned the waiter about who asked to do this.

"CEO Zi, I received a call to the bar saying that they left this paper and money to make a drink for you."

Zi Peng realized there is no point in asking the waiter anymore, he dispersed him. he looked at his worried friend and said

"Tian, Maybe she saw you worrying and sent you a drink to cheer you up."

All of them agreed. they felt maybe she was watching him for far all these while.

"Okay, Guys I will leave, you all can continue.".

With that Zi Peng left and rushed to the Game Zone. Hoping his family is still there.

He entered the Game Zone to see Xue Nuan and Zi Zexian playing together. They were hitting a object with a ball.

Xue Nuan spotted Zi Peng and ran towards him immediately.

"Ah Peng, you are here. Do you like to play here." Xue Nuan hugging Zi Peng and asked sweetly.

"Nuna, I will be happy to, let's go."

"Sister in law, this is not fair. you forgot me after the moment you saw brother." Zi Zexian said with sadness.

"Sweet Brother in law, I have played with you for so long. I just wanted to give some company to your brother. he has been working since morning. please don't feel sad."

Zi Peng glared at Zi Zexian for making his wife feel bad.

"No probs sister in law, my friends wanted to see me. I will just go and join you guys later for dinner."

Zi Zexian left the husband and wife to themselves.

" Ah Peng, there is a new virtual reality game of walking dead. can we play please."

His wife seems to be a little kid when is in game mode. she looked really adorable and cute in his eyes. They went to the booth to play. Before playing

Zi Peng said

"There is no thrill without a bet. Nuna So let's say that whoever loses has to do what winner says. do you agree?"

Since she is a pro in shooting related games, she agreed quickly.

First they registered themselves as Peng and Nuan in the Screen. They started the round one. It had three rounds and only one life.

Xue Nuan didn't get distracted to anything else. She played tactically. Zi Peng was surprised by her. She was shooting them like a pro.

At the end of the game, they both were at the tie. The second round also ended up being another Tie.

Xue Nuan thought for a while. maybe she underestimated his skills.

In the third round, Xue Nuan tried all her best and yet she lost Zi Peng by one point.

She pouted after a loss. He kissed her lightly.

"So Nuna, you are ready to give what I m going to ask ?" Zi Peng came closer to her and pulled her in his embrace. since it's a separate cabin, No one could see them inside clearly.

He gave her a light kiss on her tender lips. he could never feel enough.

"Nuna, you taste very nice" He said and gave her another little longer kiss.

She shivered a little thinking about what he is going to ask him. so before he says something, she broke from the kiss and said.

" Ah Peng, what are you going to ask me for losing?"

"Of course Nuna, I am going to ask for you."

Her eyes widened and shocked to hear him.

He laughed and said

"Nuna, don't worry. I am not looking for Consuming our marriage or Sex by winning these small games. we will only go further only when you feel comfortable, that's my promise"

"Thanks so much Ah Peng" She hugged him.

He didn't know how to respond to that. His inner beast is dying to have her completely, yet he respects her feeling too. he didn't want to rush her at the same time.

"So my dear husband, what should I do as loser. "

"Nuna, Among us there is no winner or loser. You are part of me and I m part you."

"Ah Peng, you are such a sweet mouthed guy."

"Nuna, if you want a kiss from me. you can ask me directly. Don't have to give me indirect complement." Zi Peng said and Started kissing her again. She could not resist him unlike before she started responding to him. He has the capacity to make her feel happy in every cell of her body just by a mere kiss.

Mother Zi, who came to call them for dinner watched both of them and felt content.