Xue Nuan is mine and mine only

The evening in the Cafe just got interesting for Xue Nuan. Both her husband and her best friend were talking with the hidden meaning. For a moment, Xue Nuan panicked inside, What if these two headstrong idiots start with Cold War. Mo Jian is literally like a sister, they even grew up in the same house for few years.

Though Zi Peng and Her are married recently, Xue Nuan started grow fond of him very quickly. The last thing she would like to do is take sides between her friend and husband.

Xue Nuan tried to grab their attention, They were staring at each other. Xue Nuan couldn't hold any longer, She sighed loudly and said

"Listen both of you, don't make me pick sides already."

"Nuna you are my wife, So Naturally you are mine."Zi Peng's words triggered Mo Jian.

"What does he mean by that?" Mo Jian asked with a sad face to her friend

Zi Peng had devilish smile on his face and said

"What I taught you are a Prodigy, Don't you get a meaning of a simple sentence? Anyway I repeat again. I meant that she is my Wife and anything about her belongs only to me." His teasing triggered again to lose her cool.

"No way, she is my best friend, I can't give her up just because you married her. how long do you think you know her?"

"It doesn't matter, Listen carefully 'Xue Nuan is mine and mine only'"

Xue Nuan was loosing her mind. No two smart people should be in a room. She never thought Mo Jian to lose her cool over jealousy. And Zi Peng never behaves like this as well. She wanted to end this

"Stop it Both of you!!!" Xue Nuan said loudly.

Xue Nuan looked at her friend and then turned towards her husband

"Ah Peng, what's wrong with you. Why are you fighting like a kid with my best friend. It hurts me a lot to experience such things. I don't want to choose, She is my best friend and you are my husband. there is your answer. you only fight with her if she is taking your position as husband, okay?"

Actually Zi Peng got slightly jealous over their friendship and understanding between them. He felt guilty for hurting his wife.

"Sorry Nuna, I got carried away with it." Zi Peng said with utmost sincereity.

Xue Nuan was moved by his response, immediately she gave him a light peck on the cheek.

Mo Jian's mouth opened wide. This stupid woman Xue Nuan fell deep for this devilish Angel Zi Peng. She doesn't even realize it. Mo Jian didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

After a while

Xue Nuan asked both of them to shake their hands and be friends from then on. they didn't have choice but obey Xue Nuan's wishes.

"Okay, listen both of you, I am going to wash room. Remember what I said, be friends from now on. " Xue Nuan left to wash room right after that.

" I know you are faking your jealousy over my wife. You want share something with me don't you? I m all ears."

Mo Jian let out her wicked smile and said

" I don't have jealousy in first place to be fake. However, it's true. I don't want to share too many details of the ongoing investigation and add burden to Xue Nuan. So I hope you can take care of her. I did few investigation from my end.

I had a hunch that initial attack on your car when Xue Nuan and your driver was attacked, Your Uncle Li Chao accident and recent attempt by Assassin's were interlinked."

"What are you saying, I thought everything except Uncle Li's was interlinked. Did you get any evidence or is this still a hunch?"

Zi Peng and Mo Jian were talking like business partners. They had utmost respect for each other view and words.

"No Mr. Zi Peng, it's not a hunch anymore. After going to the police station and I confirmed my hunch."

Zi Peng was amazed by her skills, No wonder Xue Nuan admires her

"But I thought you guys didn't get any thing useful from police station."

"True, But Inspector Han mentioned assassin's were given missions through Darknet. So I went around and I checked Darknet online. And as well these assassin's bank account.

They were paid full in advance by one Anonymous Account.

That was same account which paid the local goons who tried to attack your car initially."

Zi Peng was getting worried since it's looking complex and there is threat to wife constantly.

Mo Jian took a seat next to him, she opened her Laptop and showed him about her findings.

Zi Peng said

"Okay, Miss Mo I understand. But still where is the connection of Uncle Li's."

Before Mo Jian could respond, Long Tian rushed towards them. Mo Jian got the sight of him. She quickly closed her Laptop and kept it inside her bag. She conveyed through eyes to Zi Peng not to reveal her identity of mysterious woman.

By the time, Xue Nuan also joined them.

"Tian , what's the rush. Why do you look like you ran all the way from office."Zi Peng asked his friend.

" Yes, really I ran from office to talk to you. Since your phone seems dead. I rushed here. Can we talk in private." He was looking at the unknown nerd looking girl.

Zi Peng understood his thoughts and cleared

"She is the best friend of Xue Nuan. She is also working with government and helping Xue Nuan in investigation. So you are safe to discuss about the case."

Xue Nuan quickly introduced

"Long Tian, this is my best friend Mo Jian. She is in the intelligence division. Keep it confidential. for outsiders she is still in the Army."

Long Tian got rid of his doubts and quickly went to explain by opening his Laptop from his bag

"The guys who had paid assassin's only paid someone to kill your Uncle Li Chao."

Xue Nuan interupted

"But I was there nearby, Uncle Li was in the road as well, He got hit by the truck when he went to save a young kid. If they wanted to hurt they could driven towards uncle Li in first place. it didn't look like a planned one"

"I don't know exact details of the accident, But they paid someone a day before and 10 minutes after the accident.

Maybe it was staged like that. Because the accident was done by the same assassin's who tried to kill you."

Zi Peng was thinking about it and looked at Mo Jian. She looked at him agreeing on Long Tian's finding.

she was about to show the same thing before long Tian got in.

"So Tian, I hope you didn't run all the way to say just these right? do you have any thing more or you want your Mysterious Woman to find out for you."

Long Tian stared angrily at his ungrateful friend and said

" No need of help from anyone. Don't bring up the Mysterious Woman and spoil my mood.

I came to tell you that next target might be your Mother.

I found her photos on their laptop found in the evidence from the hotel they stayed.

I know these guys have been captured. But when someone who meticulous in planning these things from behind might be having a back up plans apart from hiring these Serbian Assassin's."

All three were shocked including Mo Jian. Since she came to Cafe with Xue Nuan, she didn't have time to find these things like Long Tian. but she has to admit his skills.

Everything was going blank around for Zi Peng. First his wife now his Mother. Both are extremely important to him like his two eyes.