This Mysterious Woman is killing my brain

Elder Mo has called for the family meeting, so everyone was at the living area sipping the tea and patiently waiting for Elder to begin with conversation.

"Today I have called everyone because of Mo Liuxian." As Elder Mo said it. Father Mo glared at his son. The look of Father had a question to his son 'What did you do now'.

Mo Liuxian felt wronged by his family, like a good son, he is just minding his own business and not getting into any trouble. He felt' what is wrong with this old generations' .

"Father, What is the matter? Can you please Share it with us"

Elder Mo had a straight face and answered

" Two days ago, I went to my usual club to play Chess. I heard from Elder Zi that, Zi Peng was forced to marry but they both are having an very happy Married life."

Father Mo was relaxed now that it's about Mo Liuxian's Marriage. Father Mo don't believe in forced marriage, he believes it should happen out of love. in this case Father Mo will support his son.

"Yes, Father I m also glad that it worked out for them. But Xiao Liuxian has not found his girl yet, I don't want to push him into Marriage. This is why I was against bethrotal at his birth itself." Father Mo spoke for his son to Elder Mo.

Elder Mo became pissed to hear that.

"Because of your stupidity only, I lost the chance of Xue Nuan as my grand daughter in law. I was fighting with Elder Xue for her. you Stopped me. Now can you bring a girl better than Xue Nuan."

This was a huge news to him, never that such things happened in the past. Xue Nuan is undoubtedly the good girl, But his buddy seems to have some natural connection with her. He wished by seeing them that he finds a woman like him one day. But not exactly Xue Nuan. Since his father helped initially, he decided to help now

" Grandfather, please don't be angry about the things which are over in the past. You shouldn't be angry with Father for my mistake.

Actually I should have found a girl myself, but I haven't met anyone I like till now."

Elder Mo relaxed after hearing Mo Liuxian's reasoning, Without a doubt Mo Liuxian is close to his heart than own children for Elder Mo. So when his friends teased him, he got offended.

"Xiao Liuxian I understand what you are saying but you have to get married before Zi Zexian. Zi Zexian is getting married Sooner."

Mo Liuxian was surprised to hear that, he asked

"No way grandfather, I know him very well. He is not into any girl. How can he get married out of the blue."

Elder Mo chuckled at his grandson's Ignorance.

"Xiao Liuxian, Elder Zi got him engaged at his birth itself. He will ask Zi Zexian formally to get along with this girl very soon. "

"What are you saying Grandfather? Even he is engaged at birth itself?. Who is the girl now, please don't tell me it's Xue Tingyi?."

Elder Mo got up as he about to walk out

"Don't be shocked. Elder Zi always have reasons behind his every actions. He will never ever hurt his family by those actions especially his grandchildren.

And to your question, it's not Xue Tingyi definitely."

Mo Liuxian was trying to get hold of the information. There was a huge commotion. few security guys were running towards first floor.

Elder Mo called for the maid who running from first floor to question about what is happening

"Why there is a commotion, can't you guys see there is a family meeting going on."

"Sorry Elder Master Mo, Someone climbed from ground to First Floor. We were trying to get hold of him. He was trying to do something with his Small computer like tab in hand. He doesn't look like a thief, when we found him, he started jumping and running, we are not able to catch him easily."

Mo Liuxian was surprised to hear that, he security corporation and some broke into his own house, what kind of reputation it will create. so he said

" Bring him here now immediately, get some more men in the front to help if you need."

After hearing order from Mo Liuxian, the maid ran away to carry out his orders.

Elder Mo was not worried since he knows his grandfather will take care of these kind of things.

"Mo Liuxian, where is your Little sister, why hasn't she come for the family meeting?"

"I don't know grandfather actually."Mo Liuxian looked at his Mother for help

She spoke up for her son

"Father, She came back very tired to home, she is in deep sleep at her room."

Elder Mo is not happy with her recently,

"I don't like this behavior of ignoring family. I m not convinced by her work a well. She is behaving like a guy and working for Government. How will you get her married? All of you are pampering her behind my back."

Father Mo loves his daughter way too much, he couldn't see her getting scolded by his father for no reason. Before he was about to disagree with Elder Mo, Mo Liuxian rushed in

"Grandfather, I think that you need to relax. she was away for so many years and back home now only. please be kind to her. She is very responsible girl, she loves her work. Just let her do what she likes."

The security guys and the maids came down from the first floor

The maid came infront of the Mo Liuxian and said

"Young Master Mo, We caught the person, Here he is"

Security guys brought the person forward in front of the family.

No one was shocked the way Mo Liuxian was. His family agreed with their maids. he didn't look like a Thief. He was clutching on to his Tab tightly.

"Young Man, you look rather decent. Why did you Jump in to our house."

That Man was also in shock looking at Mo Liuxian

" Answer me young man."

Mo Liuxian came into rescue for him

"Grandfather, This is my best friend Long Tian. He is actually checking the security of our house. please don't mistake him."

Everyone felt relaxed and Long Tian felt relieved after that, he introduced himself to Mo Liuxian's family.

Mo Liuxian dragged Long Tian to his study room later on.

" Long Tian, you better have a valid reason for your extreme Stupidity."

Long Tian felt bad for his mistake but didn't answer his friends question.

Mo Liuxian got agitated by no response

"I don't stay here dumb ass, I came only for a family meeting. what if I m not here when they caught you, what would have happened to you? Answer me now. Don't make me angry now."

Long Tian doesn't have any family, he was at orphanage after his birth and then Zi Peng funded his education from childhood after realizing his intelligence. Mo Liuxian was also friends with him since then.

"Xian, I got a message from the Mysterious Woman. Everytime I tried to track her, I can't get location of her device. But this time I was able to locate it. without thinking I followed my tab and jumped in the building. I m really sorry man. This Mysterious Woman is killing my brain."

After hearing this explanation, Mo Liuxian started laughing uncontrollably.