Zexian, She is like my daughter

The winter was getting into skin quickly, it's that cold in the nights. It's four in the morning, Mother Zi woke up by few noises coming from the downstairs. She put on a robe and came down to check.

Zi Zexian was all dressed in cargos and sweatshirt. He was wearing his hiking shoes. He noticed his mother's arrival and said

"Good Morning Mother, did we wake you up, so sorry Mother."

Mother Zi sat next to him and kissed him on his cheeks,

"Zexian, why do you have to strain yourself by going for such adventurous trips."

Zi Zexian sighed at his Mother's comment. But what can he do, Mother is a Mother at the end of the day.

"Mother, you are trying to protect me like I'm Little boy, Which I'm not."

Liu Huang joined them now. Mother Zi asked her

"Xiao Huang, why are you also encouraging such trips. Already we are worried about your safety"

Letting his Mother chat with Liu Huang, Zi Zexian went inside kitchen to check on Li Quan.

Liu Huang smiled at Mother Zi's genuine concern as a Mother,

"Auntie Zi, didn't Zi Zexian tell you why we are going for the trip?"

Mother Zi shaked her head indicating 'No'

"We are actually going for Li Quan, She went through so much in the past few weeks and she might be going abroad for Long time for her higher studies, So since she loves such trips, Zi Zexian arranged for this one."

Mother Zi understood and said

'Okay then, take care of yourself and others, will you Xiao Huang?"

"Of course Auntie Zi, I will definitely do that. you don't have to worry."

Mother Zi wanted to see Li Quan and get acquainted with her. When she was in hospital, she tired to get connected, but didn't succeed.

Zi Zexian was coming from kitchen. So she asked

"So where is Li Quan, Zexian?"

He was on the phone with Long Tian, so he just replied and left the place

"Mother, she is doing something in the Kitchen."

Mother Zi strode towards the kitchen. Li Quan was busy filling some Liquids into small bottles. And she was also brewing some tea on the side.

"Xiao Quan, What are you doing alone dear? Do you need hand?"

Li Quan didn't want to speak to Mother Zi at all. But she is her brother's Mother, how can she avoid her.

"Thanks so much for offering your help Mrs Li, But I m done with the work. "

"Xiao Quan, you don't have to be formal with me, You can call me Auntie Zi. I m after all is your father's only sister."

"It's okay, I prefer to formal with you." Li Quan was answering her in calm and yet distant manner.

For some unknown reason, it did hurt Mother Zi a bit, but she couldn't blame Li Quan since it was because of Elder people issues kids are getting affected. Atleast Li Quan is close with her son's. Mother Zi didn't want to stop the conversation there,

"So Xiao Quan, I heard from Liu Huang that you are going abroad for higher education."

Li Quan looked like she might lose her patience in a while, but she composed herself and said

"Yes I am going abroad for studies."

Liu Huang came to check on them to see if she can help since Li Quan was taking too much time. But hearing the way Li Quan was responding, it sent chills down her spine. She immediately went back to Zi Zexian.

"You Stupid Zexian."

Zexian was clueless why she is scolding him.

"What did I do now?" He didn't get Angry, instead he let her scold him.

"Your Mother is asking too many questions to Li Quan, for some reason Li Quan seems to be cold and distant towards your mother. So go and rectify the situation before it blows up till your Father."

Zi Zexian paused for a second and said

"That's Right, if it goes till Father he will not allow Xiao Quan in the house anymore. But why is Li Quan behaving like this. I will handle this Don't worry. Thanks so much for letting me know. "

Every knows, Mother Zi is like a treasure for Father Zi, if anyone messes with Mother Zi, they will have to face the temper of Father Zi.

Mother Zi felt that she shouldn't let Li Quan leave the country. She wanted to convince her to stay in the City B itself. So she tried her luck with Li Quan

"Xiao Quan, you were in Entertainment industry and you were successful Model right. if you stayed a bit more in the industry, you would become a super model soon. Why are you leaving the carrier you worked so hard."

Li Quan was loosing her mind. she just replied with any thoughts

"Mrs Li, that's my personal decision. I don't like the fact that you trying to share me your opinion on my career."

Mother Zi didn't show the hurt on her face, but this young girl is affecting her a lot. Somehow she wished Li Quan is her daughter. She didn't want to lose her for any reason. Zi Zexian entered the kitchen when Li Quan spoke the last sentence. He was was shocked as well, since he never seen Li Quan behave this way with any one else. He wanted to handle this carefully but he was not happy with Li Quan's behavior. His angry shot up making his eyes red.

"Xiao Quan, why are you responding to Mother like she is some unwanted person. Don't do that. even if you dislike something, please be polite. I suggest you ask sorry to mother." Zi Zexian spoke his mind.

Mother Zi immediately stopped him.

"Xiao Zexian, nothing to worry, I was only troubling her with too many questions. she didn't speak anything bad. I was the one who spoke a lot. anyway I don't want to keep you guys here. get going."

Mother Zi left the kitchen after that leaving them standing in the kitchen. Tears started to roll out for Mother Zi, but she controlled herself because she doesn't want to let father Zi know.

Zexian knows his Mother very well. She is indeed hurt by Li Quan's behavior.

Seeing his facial expressions, Li Quan felt like he might be angry on her

"Brother Zi Zexian, I am sorry. please don't be upset over this. I didn't mean to speak to Mrs Li like that. I will ask Mrs Li, sorry by myself later."

When he heard Mrs Li, he lost his cool

"Li Quan, stop saying Mrs Li for Godsake. She is your Aunt, learn to address her Auntie Zi."


"Stop it Li Quan, I am completely disappointed with you. I never expected this from you."

Liu Huang who saw Mother Zi hiding her tears before she rushed upstairs. Liu Huang strode towards kitchen to see what happened, Now Zi Zexian left in anger. Li Quan was standing there in Kitchen startled.

"Xiao Quan, Why are you crying now. Stop Crying. Your brother loves you so much. Don't you know that already? You shouldn't have spoken like that atleast for your brothers sake..He is just trying to make you realize your mistake. please go ask her sorry personally later."

Li Quan stopped crying after Liu Huang's advise.

"Xiao Quan, Go refresh yourself and come soon to lobby, The vehicle will be arriving anytime now.

Liu Huang felt exhausted already walking back and forth. she came closer to Zi Zexian and placed her hands on his shoulder,

Zi Zexian turned back due to sudden touch.

"Zexian, Please don't be like this. You told me that you will handle this. instead Your mother is crying and Li Quan is also crying. why do you have to be harsh like this to Little girl."

Zi Zexian didn't expect his mother to be hurt and cry. this was not that serious one. Something didn't seem right to him.

Liu Huang broke his thoughts and said

"This is the problem with you, you get angry with your closed ones instead of being little bit more patient. Relax Zexian, Li Quan is still a young girl. I will speak to her after the trip.

Now can you please forget all these issue and look forward to the trip."

Zi Zexian felt relieved after hearing Liu Huang. He quickly gave her a hug and said ' Thank you' which only she can hear.

Mother Zi was watching them from the top. she couldn't hear what they spoke, but she could guess by their behavior. She found that Zexian doesn't hate Liu Huang, instead he respects her. Atleast this was comforting scenario to watch.

Suddenly they went inside the house, but still Mother Zi was standing in the same place watching the view outside through clear glass window.

Zexian saw his mother standing with the sad face. He went closer and hugged her from behind.

"Mother, I am so sorry. if you want I will not bring her to Zi Mansion next time."

That's the last thing Mother Zi wanted, she refused immediately

"Zexian, She is like my daughter. I want to get closer to her. Please don't spoil that. Bring her as much as you can. Your father will also be happy seeing her. last night he was happy having her at dining."

"Okay Mother, Do you want me to stay back."

"No No, you go I have loads of work after sun comes up, be safe. Take care of Li Quan."

Zi Zexian left after giving his mother a tight hug and kiss.

The black Range Rover came inside the house. All three of them hopped in. It seemed like Mo Liuxian was driving the vehicle. He seemed to identify her in the window. Mo Liuxian waved his hand at her. She waved him back.

Mother Zi stood there even after they left. she thought for long time and decided to talk to Xue Nuan later about her thoughts.