Don't call me Madam Zi

The relationship between Li Zedong and his father had never been good. But Li Zedong loves his father more than anything. He loves him more than his mother, who Pampers him since birth. He knows clearly that meeting his father will be awkward, but he is relieved in his heart about the fact that his father opened his eyes from deathbed.

Li Zedong rushed to the hospital and he quickly took the lift towards his father's ward floor. Ding Zan noticed his boss is not normal, so he just kept quiet and followed him.

They reached the ward quickly, Li Zedong turned towards his assistant and said

"Ding Zan, you wait here. I want to see my father alone."

"okay Young Master Li." Ding Zan didn't have any option but to Wait awhile outside as per his boss instructions.

He sat down in the seating nearby and started checking emails and messages related to work.

A lean frame dressed sharply sat next to him. Since Ding Zan was busy checking his phone. he didn't notice the person who sat next to him.

That person got annoyed because his presence was ignored by Ding Zan. so he spoke

"Your position itself is hanging on thin air, why did you bring the vixen along to the hospital."

Still Ding Zan's attention was on the phone. The next person got irritated. he Slammed the seat and said

"You're really something now. acting as if you're not hearing me Ding Zan."

Upon hearing the slamming noise, Ding Zan lifted his head.

Ding Zan noticed the Angry eyes of Yu Chun. Yu Chun is an assistant and trusted person for Elder Li. Ding Zan understood his mistake by just one look. he wanted to pacify this angry man before him immediately.

"Senior, Its my mistake. I m sorry, I was engrossed in my work. Were you telling something important."

Yu Chun sighed and felt better after Ding Zan's apology, however he didn't show that outside. He was cold as ever. He just managed to repeat his question

"Why are you entertaining the vixen in the hospital. Master Li has just opened his eyes, I don't anyone to sabotage his recovery."

Ding Zan was little confused. He wanted to clarify

"Senior Yu, I just came alone with Young Master Li, we didn't bring anyone."

Yu Chun signed heavily and was pissed at Ding Zan for no reason. he said

"Ding Zan, you didn't bring anyone. But just watch the lift who it is going to bring. it's all because of your stupidity"

"Senior Yu, you are mistaken. I really didn't bring anyone. forget bringing anyone,I didn't speak to anyone except Young Master Li."

Yu Chun gave a deadly stare at his Junior. He knows Ding Zan will never lie to him.

"Then who informed Mrs.Li and her vixen assistant about Master's condition."

Ding Zan was alarmed now. No wonder his senior is angry. He Said

"Excuse me Senior, I will be back in a minute."

He rushed to the Room where Li Zedong entered to see his father.

While entering he noticed Madam Zi coming towards the same place. he thought himself ' Oh God! Why don't you do show some pity to this innocent heart.'

Li Zedong entered with little bit of hesitance to his father's room. He noticed that his father's room was very sophisticated. The normal eyes wouldn't believe this place as a hospital ward. it was beautiful and serene.

Now he understood why good grandfather trusted Zi family doctors and caretakers.

Li Chao has not recovered completely. his head was still covered with bandages. His skin lost its glow and become extremely pale. He got the sight of his son and was indifferent towards him.

Li Zedong came closer and said

"Father, I am really glad you are okay." Li Zedong was very emotional when he said that, Even Li Chao sensed the sincereity in his words. But his heart didn't accept any word coming from him.

Noticing that he was not receiving any response, Li Zedong felt little bad. But his father had been always like this.

Li Chao gathered some energy and said

"Isn't this accident of mine is your mother's family doing?"

Li Zedong was stunned for a minute. He hated his mother and uncle to the core that minute.

"I m sorry Father, I wasn't aware. Did Grandpa told you everything?"

Li Chao was simply expressing his displeasure and it turned out to be true

"So it is your mother's family doing only. What you guy need from me? My family inheritance or my business empire?"

His father's words were like a tight slap on his face. LI Zedong tightened his fist. He felt helpless and angry at the same time. He didn't blame his father for speaking this way. Any man in his position would have done that.

Right at the moment, Ding Zan entered the room. He bowed respectfully towards Li Chao and went closer to Li Zedong.

Ding Zan felt the atmosphere in this room at boiling temperature, but Li Zedong doesn't seems to be angry at him for sudden intervention.

Ding Zan moved quickly to Li Zedong who was standing by the window. He spoke in very low voice which only Li Zedong can hear

" Boss, Elder Li is not happy that Mrs Li and her assistant visiting Master Li. He believes we have informed them abo Master's Li waking up. what should I do."

Ding Zan was not dumb, he got the hints from Yu Chun very clearly.

Li Zedong didn't reply to assistant, instead he went to his father

"Father, I am really sorry for pain you are going through. Grandfather Li told me stay back and not take any action. I will protect you will my life from now onwards, it's my promise.

Now I have few works to attend, I will be taking my leave."

With that Li Zedong left the room and Ding Zan followed him. Before leaving Ding Zan looked at Li Chao.

Li Chao gave him an meaningful look. Ding Zan seems to be understood the meaning behind the look, he bowed silently and followed his boss.

Li Zedong opened the door to the leave. because he was coming with force, he bumped into the opposite person making them to almost fall.

When he realized that and looked up, he was shocked to see Madam Zi.

"Madam Zi, I am really sorry. Did it hurt you any where?"

Madam Zi felt amused by this young man. She smiled and said

"You didn't do anything wrong. it's just accidental. Don't worry about it."

Li Zedong was surprised by her reaction. He assumed Madam Zi will be one terror person and he will never be able to accumulate courage to talk to her. however to his surprise, she was so easy going and soft-spoken.

Ding Zan arrived at that time. He nodded respectfully saying

"Madam Zi"

he turned to his boss and wanted to remind him

"Young Master Li, we have that urgent matter to handle."

Li Zedong understood his assistant cue and nodded yes. he turned towards Madam Zi

"Madam Zi , I hope we can meet some other time. I got urgent matter to handle."

Madam Zi was started to wonder who is this young Chap is. she asked Ding Zan

"Ding Zan, young Master Li means he is the son of Li Chao."

Li Zedong was surprised by her question. Instead of his assistant, he answered

"Yes, Madam Zi. True, we haven't introduced properly. That's why I said let's meet some other time."

Madam Zi understood his urgency in leaving.

"It's okay Young Man, I am not going to keep you. Please go on with your work. But don't call me Madam Zi"

She paused for a second

Li Zedong and Ding Zan were stunned for a sec. Noticing their reaction, She giggled and said

" You are my brother's son, you should be calling me Auntie Zi. Now hurry up and I will go inside to see my brother."

Li Zedong was still dazzed, he stood in the same place like rock. not even his eyelids moved for a sec.

Ding Zan came back to reality, heard the sound of lift opening and footsteps hurrying towards them.