You are living on our Mercy.

Li Zedong didn't even get affected by his uncle's anger. He still gave him the respect and asked

" First Uncle, If it's the normal scenario, you know I would have been there. However both my parents are in the hospital. I need to take care of them as well as the company. You need to understand my position."

Elder Yi, who was also hearing the conversation in speaker

"Yi Zheng, Stop getting angry unnecessarily. He is responding fine. why are you getting agitated for no reason. If he had said that he will come after breakfast, why are you bothering him."

Yi Zheng tightened his fist in anger, But he didn't respond to his father's Question.

Elder Yi spoke on the speakers

"Xiao Dong, we are worried about your mother. I just came to know that she is in admitted in hospital."

Li Zedong took a deep breath and spoke

" Grandpa Yi, then why none of you asked me how my mother is doing? instead first Uncle is getting angry for no reason.

And top of it Yi Family Hospital doctor who treated mother is refusing to give her medical history. Please tell me what will you do if you are in my place "

He carefully placed the ball in their court, Elder Yi felt guilty about it. he blindly believed his son and did a grave mistake.

Yi Zheng generally who keeps his composure was out of control today, he himself realized it, but couldn't help it. Plus he doesn't want to lose out in front of his father. So he continued to attack Li Zedong.

"Li Zedong, you are asking why I am agitated? you tell me why you chose to go Zi Family hospital. And as well you have sent He Chan away from taking care of Yi Ming. What are you trying to do my sister."

Li Zedong was in the verge of loosing his mind, yet he controlled himself and responded

" First Uncle, She is my Mother. I don't need to answer anyone apart from my father when it comes to her. "

Yi Zheng laughed sarcastically

" Li Zedong, what do you think of yourself? Li family doesn't give a shit about you. Your Old Man and your father doesn't even acknowledge your existence. That's why your mother has been living on our shadows. Don't you have any sense of Loyal, when you are living on our Mercy. "

This was the extreme insult on his face in front of his entire family. Li Zedong couldn't handle the moment. A soft warm hand held his shoulder in assuring manner.

Li Chao couldn't take it anymore. He understood his mistake of ignoring his wife and Son.

" Yi Zheng, if I come there , you will be dead instantly for insulting my family. Who the hell are you to order around my Son? From where did you get the damn rights you Asshole, to speak my son like this? What did your family do my son and wife to be so proud off? Being Loyal, My Foot.

Elder Yi, I know you are there listening to your insensitive Son of yours. Did I ever come to you for disputing my family issues. why are your son's interfering with mine. Your Younger Son Yi Luoyang was the cause of my accident, Can I file case with evidence and lock him jail for life. Find out what your sons are doing behind your back, all these years Yi Ming didn't live in peace is not because of me, that's because of your beloved Son's.

This is the final warning to you and your Yi family. Stay out of my family business. My wife and son will not have any more connection with you people. Elder Yi, if your family member does anything to Li family member going forward, they will see my wrath. You understand."

Elder Yi was supposed to be angry with Li Chao's warning. But he felt ashamed as father for being blind by their Son's activities.

"Li Chao, I understand. Take care of my Daughter. I will ask someone to send her medical records."

The call got disconnected. Elder Li sighed heavily in dissatisfaction. Though the conversation ended with Li Chao's warning. The underlying issue is that the problem is simple as it seems.

Li Zedong didn't speak anything. His shoulder was still held by soft hands. he placed his hand on top of that. He heard a soft voice from the side

" Brother Zedong, Don't ever pay attention to those useless words. Father always told me that you were the one who is going to be taking Li Family to heights after him. We are always there for you brother."

Li Zedong eyes became moist, His eyes conveyed his thanks to his sister.

Suddenly the door opened and Xue Nuan walked in with wide smile.

Seeing the entire Li Family eating Together, she teased Li Quan

"QuanQuan, just because you quit entertainment industry doesn't mean that you have multiple breakfast in a day."

Entire room erupted with laughter forgetting the tense environment before. Elder Li started to like Xue Nuan even more.

Xue Nuan did her usual check up on Li Chao. She was satisfied with his progress. She suggested that he take initially planned rest because he came out of a complicated surgery and need to repurcate properly.

Li Chao who was listening to Xue Nuan asked

" Doctor Nuan, Can I go visit my wife in the evening ?"

Xue Nuan looked up and beamed with smile.

"Yes you can, I will ask nurse to take you."

She turned to Li Zedong

" Young Master Zedong, do you have some free time now. I would like to talk to you about something."

Li Zedong understood her , she is referring to the investigation on his mother. he promptly replied

" I m planning to work from here, can we meet right away if you have time. "

" That's will be great, let head over to my office."

Both of sat comfortably at Xue Nuan's cabin shortly.