For most, the sudden incident in Itroch had driven them into a state of complete pandemonium. People across the continent fled toward the nearest place of shelter they could find as the rode out what seemed to a sign of the end times.
In Itroch however, the situation had already run its course, much to the relief of everyone in the Spirit of Bountiful Charity. It'd been a hectic couple of minutes for the flagship and her crew as they scrambled around repairing what Reed had unintentionally broken in the process of pushing out his titanic haul of a fortune.
What seemed like an ice shelf of biblical proportions now hovered above the ancient city of Itroch. Needless to say, no one in the command deck knew what to say about it.
"...What do you reckon that might be, Lord Velvund?" said Prince Haydn, curiously as he eyed the floating slab of ice and quartz.