
I Had A Cup Of Coffee With The Devil

There are no words that I can muster that will make what I am about to describe to you seem believable. Not even I would have believed this were I to have read what I am about to tell you. 

But it is the truth. This much I can assure you — I am willing to put my entire career on the line for this story, come what may. So without further ado, allow me to present you...

The story of the man who dared to judge the gods themselves, Reed Evergreen.

— Isca Yaalte, Introduction to Part One: The Hollow Years and Endless Nights

There was a somewhat lonely aura of worldly detachment about him. A painful hollowness that rang like the sound of a rotten tree that had died many seasons ago. As if eroded by the endless onslaught of time, illness, and exhaustion. 

But this was not something she had gleamed until much, much later.