Amidst the hustle and bustle of a colorful street, not a single frown could be seen. A plethora of strange faces clamored around an enormous prop stage. Upon the stage, a gaggle of jesters, clowns, and costumed rogues played a maddening song that bewitched all who heard it into dancing.
Far above the festivities, the sky changed color in a fickle fashion as if it were an adolescent girl and clouds took the form of all manner of creatures, shapes, and people without end.
Iliai had become much more active as of late. Reed's domain, a dimension somewhere in between the physical and the intangible, was far more colorful than usual he surveyed it from his mind's eye. As an intersection between mind and matter, thoughts had mass, memories had weight, and dreams could take shape in very real ways…
In a way, the state of Iliai was representative of the unconsciousness of Mulia, in all of its glory and shame.