The Return and A Plan

Hans returned back home at night to find both of his parents were waiting for him worriedly, his parents sigh out a relief both of his parents asked him about what happened. Hans tells them about the accident without hiding anything, his parents were shocked about what had happened to the city while they were gone. His father told him that he planned to rescue him from the school, but because the military asked him for help he ended up helping them. The military promised him that they will send help and they said that there was an extremely strong monster that the military need help of all guild in the city to fight it.

Hans tells his father that it, not a problem anymore the accident had become the thing in past and they need to look forward instead, he told his father about his soul card to his father when he heard what his son said he was excited beyond belief.

"How can a Dragon not give birth to a dragon? I did not surprise me at all." His father laughed happily and he even said that he will host a party to celebrate it, but Hans refused his father's offer with an excuse of being tired because of the accident.

His father know his son isn't someone who likes to stand out and just give him an affectionate smile in midst of their talk his mother calls both of them to have dinner, the family have a joyful dinner with a disruption.

In his room Hans search some information about the accident on the internet, he finds out that the North Wind Factory had increased the defense of their place a week before the accident happens and it wasn't some small increase but a big one they had employed many mercenaries to protect the factory. People said that they were lucky that they had increased their defense before the accident happen and avoid huge damage to their asset.

Hans feels that something amiss about the situation, from his research many places had an entrance to the sewer but only those five place where the monsters come out. He already knows about the boss of the sewer that the culprit controlled so he thinks that the culprit has some motive on attacking those five place.

"Let's focus to increase my own strength first before continuing my investigation, the school will be closed tomorrow I will ask Max to train together it will be easier with someone some party member." He sends a message to Max, he gives him his number before they were sent back home.

Hans continues browsing the internet not looking for information regarding the accident instead he looks for a way to get stronger quickly when he focused on the screen a small fairy materialized on his shoulder.

"Master, if you want to get stronger you can ask me for some advice you know." Daisy poked his cheek, the fairy seems to be annoyed that Hans doesn't ask her help first and instead look at the internet.

"Sorry, so what do you think is should do to increase my strength?" Hans apologized to her.

"I suggested that master increase the potential of your monster to the max since it will give a boost to a monster's growth." She explained about the potential of a monster to him.

"If your monster has 10 talent point that means your monster will get 10% more experience from fighting or using the resource, 20% if your monster has 20 talent point. Master, you understand it clearly from this right"

"Yeah, it seems to be pretty easy to understand. Don't worry about it, Daisy"

Monster Talent Level:

1-10: Crap

11-20: Trash

21-30: Not so Trashy

31-40: Barley Useable

41-50: Barley Good

51-60: Good

61-70: Great

71-80: Talented

81-90: Genius

91-100: Demonic

The potential is extremely important to a monster's growth since it will give a boost to experience a monster gained and the higher a monster's potential the easier for it to break through to the next tier. Evolution will use some of the monster potentials and raising a monster grade will use up some of the potentials it had.

Daisy tells him that a monster's potential could be increased through the consumption of some resource that adding potential, there is many grades of them and the higher the grade the more potential a monster gained from eating it. Eating a resource and monster core will give experience to the monster, it based on the grade and tier of the resource or monster core.

"Don't forget a higher grade monster had more battle power than a lower grade one, higher grade monster will be able to fight multiple enemies of lower grade." Daisy reminded him to not disregard a grade of a monster.

"It's better to have a higher grade than multiple lower grade one, I understand." Hans smiled at her, it nice to have a guide now he doesn't need to blindly look for a way to get stronger.

"Master, you not asked me about the origin of the system?" The little fairy gives him a confused look, normally someone would ask about something they don't know right?

"No, I have a feeling that I wouldn't get any useful information right."

The little fairy only gives a small laugh before disappearing from his shoulder, Hans shakes his head and turns back to his computer. He searched for a place filled with dark element monster according to what Daisy said a monster core with the same attribute will give more experience than the monster core of different element.

He spends more than an hour before he found a suitable place for training, Dusk Dawn Forest a weird forest with a part of the place always look like dusk time and the other always look like the dawn. Many Light and Dark elemental monster roam the forest, the place is suitable for both him and Max to make their monster grow stronger.