The First Adventure : Part 2

The forest is filled with lush grass and towering trees most of the trees were pine tree since the forest is located on a foot of a mountain called Sky Piercing Mountain the tallest forest in the western region but not in the eastern continent.

The forest is located 30 Km from the city and it was one of the most favorite hunting places for the hunter it, it stretch over 50 Km of the area most of the area is filled with trees and some small river past through the forest

Many varieties of monster live inside the forest but most of them had Light and Dark element so this place is the best place to hunt a monster with that element here, the forest outskirt have a monster at soldier rank mostly and it was where Hans planned to hunt.

"We will stay in the outskirt of the forest since our monster is only at Soldier Tier, our top priority is to make our monster become Captain Tier monster first," Hans explained his plan to Max.

"We should fight only a lone monster since it will be dangerous for us to fight many of them at once."

"Nope, we will fight many of them at once it faster this way."

"What?" Max had his mouth opened widely after hearing what Hans said, Fighting one is already dangerous yet you want to fight many at once?

"I have a plan to trust me." Hans only smiled and assured that everything will be alright.

[Cursed Javelin] Level 1 (0/1000)

Summon a Javelin to attack the enemy unlike its name when hit the javelin won't cause the enemy to be cursed, instead, it can be used to form a cursed barrier and cursed area.

Can summon a maximum of 3 javelins.

This skill is crucial for their plan and it will make their hunt easier for sure, Hans found some monster to try his the skill to. A pack of wolves consists of 7 wolves were currently wandering seeming to look for prey to be hunted, he checked the status of that wolf first.

[Monster Name]: Vicious Gray Wolf

[Monster Level] : 8

[Monster Grade] : Blue

[Monster Potential] : 50

[Monster Weakness]: Light

[Monster Type] : Beast

[Monster Element] : Dark

[Monster Skill] : [Bleed Claw Level 1] [Enchanted Sense Level 1] [Howl Level 1]

[Monster Ability] : [Pack Boost]

[Monster Bloodline] : [90% Gray Wolf 10% Brutal Wolf]

[Monster Evolution Path]: Five Evolution Path Possible

[Monster Description]: The wolf is famous for its ability to fight in a pack, be careful of their teamwork when fighting them.

The leading wolf is the only Blue grade monster in the pack while the other is only White Grade monster even so Hans doesn't dare to belittle these wolf. When both of them see them the wolf also seen them and those monster seems already decided to hunt both of them down.

"Eh, Let's see who is the hunter and who is the prey. Summon your monster, Max."

"Ah, Okay."

Both of them called out their card and summoned their monster two big figure appeared in front of them. The dragon and tiger stared at the wolf and make those wolf halted their movement before continuing to attack them, so what if you guy look strong? these are probably what that wolf thought about right now. this wolf had hunted many strong looking monsters in the forest that these wolves become cocky.

"Diablo, send out your javelin." Ordered Hans, Diablo summoned three javelins with pitch-black color above its head those javelin is flying fast toward the wolf. One of the javelin land in front of them while the other two land behind the wolf.

The leader of that wolf seem to make a mocking face, you can't even attack properly just accept your fate and be our food that was written in all of its faces. But something suddenly happening the three javelins send out the darkness that joined together with the other javelin to form a pyramid that trapped all of those wolves inside it.

"Now, let the hunt begin," Hans make Diablo burn those wolves inside the pyramid using its dragon breath. the wolves inside start to wail in pain and agony, they were burned by Diablo's flame.

The wolves charging at the barrier but unable to destroy it, but the wolves not given up yet keep trying over and over. Their body is scorched by the flame and lost many of their furs, leaving only burn mark behind.

"As expected the flame is not very effective against Dark elemental monster, it more effective when attacking Earth/Light elemental monster. Max let's fight them using a physical attack instead." Realizing that the flame wasn't that effective both of them ordered their monster to enter the barrier to attack, both of their monsters can easily pass through the barrier without a problem.

The wolves seeing their enemy coming toward them readying themselves to fight, all of the wolves charged at them. Each wolf comes from a different direction, Hans realized that it was those wolf's hunting tactic.

"Your Teamwork I will break it." Said Hans, he makes Diablo let out another dragon breath but instead of attacking them the flame only burned the ground creating a wall of flame.

The wolves halted their advance seeing the fire, they still remembered how those flame burn their precious furs. When they halting their advance two big figure jumped from behind the flame, they attacked two wolves nearest to the flame.

Both of the wolves have their head crushed by a strong attack to their head not stopped yet those two figures continue their attack. Both dragon and tiger attacked with their full strength and successfully decimated their opponent.

From the seven only the leader was left alive but now the wolf feels the danger it was in and tried to run but to no avail, something blocked its escape road. Diablo fling its arm toward the wolf crushing the wolf's head when it's still only thinking about escaping.