The First Dungeon Adventure : Part 1

After accepting the quest, Hans gets some clue about how to continue with the quest. He searched the cave for a while before he realized that there was a hidden passage in the deepest part of the cave before he thinks that it was a dead-end and leave the place alone. But, thanks to the quest he can uncover the secret of the place. The passage would be difficult to spot if only seen from afar, only when someone nearing it will they realize that there is a passage.

He told his discovery to Eva who waiting for him while she remains cross-legged on her sleeping bag.

"So there is really a hidden passage here. Get out first as I need to change my clothes here, tell the other to prepare to explore the cave."

Hans nod at her then leaves the cave.


All of the party members are gathered in front of the cave entrance, most of them already prepared to explore the cave following their leader. Their professionalism as a hunter could be seen from this, even so, Hans and Max not lose to them in how fast they can get ready as they had been ambushed much time when hunting making them know the importance of quickly preparing themselves.

Eva comes out of the cave wearing her usual hoodie jacket and her jean.

She opened her mouth and said, " Hans had found a hidden passage inside the cave and we will explore it to find out what's inside the cave. Any objection?"

All of them shouted, "No Mam."

All member of the party does not object her decision even the two guard that Hans' father sends since their young master does not object why would they do?

Knowing that leaving the camp without anyone to protect is a stupid thing to do Eva choose 5 people to protect the campsite while the rest followed her inside the cave, after they entered the cave they followed the hidden passage toward the deep of the cave.

The cave is becoming darker than before and some member of the party bring up their flashlight to light up the path, the passage soon leads them toward a giant chamber in the center of the chamber is a stone stelle with the word written on it.

"What's this?"

"Look like there is a word written on it?

"Really? What's written on it?"

"It's too dark here, someone focuses flashlight to the stone."

The party broke into the discussion when they see the stone stelle, all of them feel curious toward the stone.

"Let me see what's written on it." Eva walks toward it, she ordered her subordinates to focus the flashlight on the stone so that she can read the word written on it.

"This is the Nadar Cave Dungeon Trial any challenger is welcomed in the trial The Nadar Cave Dungeon Trial can only be done by one person only and only when the challenger is defeated that other may enter the dungeon trial. The dungeon trial will not kill the challenger but if a challenger were lost they will unable to enter the dungeon trial for one month." She read the word written on it out loud.

"Nadar Cave Dungeon Trial?"

"What's that?"

"How should I know?"

All of the party members were confused about what written on the stone but they know that it probably wouldn't harm them in any way, the party member only gaze at the stone waiting for their leader to make a decision.

After a long silence, Eva opened her mouth, "You guys heard what I just said right? We still don't know anything about Nadar Cave Dungeon Trial so we better be careful. This may be a trap and the trial is actually so dangerous that it could kill us and I don't want to sacrifice anyone of you to find out. Let's go..." Before she could finish her word a hand touched the stone, it was Hans as he knows that it impossible for him to enter if he needs to wait for her let him enter the trial first.

So he decided to just enter the Nadar Cave Dungeon Trial without waiting for her to say anything first.

A light covered Hans' body when he touched the stone before anyone could react his body disappeared in front of them seem to be carried by the light.

"Hans!" Eva shouted while trying to reach him but only to see him disappeared completely, the chamber becomes death silent without any sound.


In another place, Hans was teleported to a place that looks exactly like the chamber but no stone stele to be found in the chamber unlike the previous one.

[The first trial shall commence]

[Kill 10 Silver Carpcace Scorpion to finished the trial]

Ten silver scorpion come out of nowhere and surrounded him, without delaying further Hans realized that he needs to quickly prepare to fight these scorpions if he wants to complete the trial.

He summoned his card and called both Diablo and his moose, he doesn't think of giving the moose name since it wasn't his soul card and he was too lazy to think a name.

[Monster Name]: Silver Carpaced Scorpion

[Monster Level] : 10

[Monster Grade] : Blue

[Monster Condition] : Healthy

[Monster Potential] : 50

[Monster Weakness]: Fire

[Monster Type] : Insect

[Monster Element] : Metal/Poison

[Monster Skill] : [Poison Sting Level 1] [Pincer Grip Level 1] [Metal Blade Level 1]

[Monster Ability] : [Crushing Pincer]

[Monster Bloodline] : 100% Silver Carpaced Scorpion

[Monster Evolution Path]: Three Evolution Path Possible

[Monster Description]: The Silver Carpaced scorpion poses a threatening poison that extremely dangerous and astounding defense whit its metallic carapace. Afraid of Fire, it will avoid fire since it will cause the scorpion eyes to be blinded as its a scorpion that live only at a dark cave

"Fire, good I know how to beat you guys now." Hans smiled at the incoming scorpion, has ordered Diablo to create a barrier to protect himself with [Cursed Javelin] the scorpion tries to break the barrier with all of their might.

One place of the barrier suddenly had a hole in it and a scorpion come inside the barrier only to be attacked with dragon breath, it avoided the attack but before it even tries to counter-attack the surrounding place were set on fire by Diablo.

The scorpion couldn't open its eyes because of the fire while the other scorpion backed away from the barrier afraid of the flame.