Arviving in the Hope Valley

Under the leadership of Ryouma a team consist of 30 people set out from the cam site toward the west, the team is made up from the member of both guild and some people from the military group that comes to the forest after Ryouma made the deal with both of the guild leader. The military personnel that comes to join in this operation is wearing a camo suit with a backpack on their back.

Meanwhile, the other member of the group only wear the normal clothes that they always use to venture into the wilderness, even Hans always wear the same clothes it not like he uses the same clothes but all of his clothes in the same style and the same color only a few of them were different than the other.

The group soon reach the border between the Dusk Dawn Forest and the Hope Valley before their surrounding id filled with many trees when they get outside of the forest the number of trees that they see decrease considerably. Outside the valley, there was a small river that leads to the deeper part of the valley and the river seems to pass through the forest too, the team decided to walk by the river and follow it deeper to the valley.

"Watch out!" One member of the group shouted loudly.


From above many eagles flying toward them planning to swop them from the ground, hearing that there was a danger every member summoned their card and call out their own monster.

[Monster Name]: Metal Clawed Eagle

[Monster Level] : 35

[Monster Grade] : Purple

[Monster Condition] : Healthy

[Monster Potential] : 56

[Monster Weakness]: Electric

[Monster Type] : Bird

[Monster Element] : Metal

[Monster Skill] : [Aerial Diving Level 2] [Metal Claw Level 4] [Bleed Claw Level 2]

[Monster Ability] : [Sharp Claw]

[Monster Bloodline] : 95% Metal Claw Eagle 5% Demonic Fire Eagle

[Monster Evolution Path]: Three Evolution Path

[Monster Description]: The Metal Clawed Eagle poses extremely sharp claw that its uses to attack coupled with the body that boosts its capability to fly it had become a threat for any living thing that trespasses toward their territory.

"Attack them first! If we do not take them down there will be an unnecessary problem for all of us later on." As the leader of the team Ryouma still retain his calm and not betray the expectation of everyone that believes in him, under his command the 30 people ordered their monster to attack the eagle first. The attack is the best form of defense that means a pre-emptive strike is the most effective way of protecting oneself is and everyone knows that so all of them just listen and believe him.

All of the members attacked with all of their might but their move was dodged by all of the eagles, in contrast in their attack they almost hit their own teammate.

"Don't use a move that may injure the other member's monster." Ryouma reminded the team to be careful, he summoned his monster that is a giant gorilla that holds a giant bone as a weapon.

[Monster Name]: Bloody Berserker Gorilla (Mutation Variant)

[Monster Level] : 36

[Monster Grade] : Purple

[Monster Condition] : Healthy

[Monster Potential] : 100

[Monster Weakness]: Water

[Monster Type] : Beast

[Monster Element] : Fire

[Monster Skill] : [Fire of Rage Level 3] [Blood Burn Level 2] [Kong Smash Level 3] [War Cry Level 5]

[Monster Ability] : [Muscle Boost] [Blood Regen]

[Monster Bloodline]: 50% Fire Fist Gorilla 50% Blood Devouring Gorilla

[Monster Evolution Path] : Five Possible evolution Path

[Monster Description]: The Combined bloodline from Fire Fist Gorilla and Blood Devouring Gorilla had made this beast called Bloody Berserker Gorilla that had the two bloodline ability in one body. Increasement in physical power and the ability to regenerate wound had made this beast become a beast that born for a battlefield that filled with blood.

From Daisy, Hans learned that bloodline had a chance to turn a monster into a completely different monster or it could be said that ingesting bloodline will give a monster a chance to evolve.

He was quite lucky that Diablo able to evolve by using the [Undead Bloodline] even though it was only a basic bloodline it was able to let Diablo evolve into Cursed Death Wing Dragon.

But his luck is pale in comparison compared to his brother's since this fucking gorilla actually had two ability instead of only one. It gets it from the mutation that occurred when it was evolving, but with his luck, Ryouma's gorilla now poses two ability.

Hans sighed gloomily when he thought that he was lucky that his monster evolves just by using bloodline but now that he sees his brother's luck he couldn't help but feel down a little.

The Gorilla banged its hand toward its own chest making a loud sound just like music, its body is covered in red blood fur with its vein could be seen if someone sees it carefully. The gorilla had a pair of crimson eyes, while its arm is burning with fire.

"Let's kill them all Banjo use [War Cry]." Ryouma ordered his gorilla to make a move.

The gorilla's chest rises up and then opened its mouth letting out a roar.


The grass near it fluttering madly even the people around it were almost lost their balance with just its roar.


The eagle loses their momentum after the gorilla' [War Cry], Ryouma hastily told the other to attack them now. All of the members hearing the wake-up call frantically begin to order their monster to attack the shocked eagle.

With the combined attack from all of them, some of the eagles were struck down and fall to their death, especially the one that nearest to the ground all of the member instantly ordered their monster to pounce on the eagle that fell to the ground.

Ryouma keep commanding the other member while telling them not to lower their guard down even he never expected that there will be many eagles here.

He guesses that there were at least 100 of them attacking the team right now and his feeling tells him that there is not the only eagle that lives in this valley.