
The eagle that was close to the explosion were blasted into smithereens more than 30 eagles were dead in the chain explosion while the other eagle was injured or crippled and fell down to the ground.

"Kamikaze Tactic is succeeded." Seeing the effect of the bombing put a smile on his face, Hans realized that the bomb was powerful enough to massacre all of the eagles.

"Make sure you don't use the bomb that I give for a bad reason okay?" Without him realizing Ryouma had been in his back, his voice looks like someone who concerned about something.

"What do you think I will do crime using that bomb?" Hans was shocked a little.

"Well, your face when the bomb exploded look like a psychotic criminal. I just telling you this for your sake." He petted Hans' back and leave toward his gorilla and resume to fight the remaining.

Hans becomes speechless about what had just happened, I just exploded some birds right?

Shaking his head he returned to the fight again with the effect of explosion just now the number of eagles had dwindling down making the team have an easier time in killing them.

The eagles keep fighting them even after they're a huge loss after the explosion, but the injured eagle started to be killed one by one in the fight.

The Eagles still fighting even after that is happening and even they get more frantic at attacking them.

In one side of the battlefield was two big eagles that are the only Noble Tier monster in the flock of eagles, the two eagles were fighting a red gorilla but anyone can see that the gorilla can fight both of them easily.

Even the master of the gorilla was able to walk through the battlefield it shows how certain he was that his monsters wouldn't be defeated by the two Noble Tier eagle

Ryouma that have returned to the side of Banjo the gorilla, he grabs his hand tightly and anyone can see that his body is surrounded with red light and his hand especially had many red particle dancing around his hand.

He said "Banjo, Let's finish this quickly. [Burning Heart] activated." He let go of his grips and the red light and particle fly toward Banjo, the gorilla is now covered with a red light just like Ryouma just now.

[Burning Heart]: Skill that boosts the power of the fire element while also increase its physical strength when used. Every attack now will be imbued with the power of fire.

The muscle in the gorilla' body begins to swell and tightened, its eyes now burning like a volcano and the fire in his fist burn brighter and become bigger.

The eyes of both of the eagles were constricted and they feel and uneasiness from their foe right now, but the eagles weren't affected for so long since the two believe that their combined strength could kill that gorilla. Believing so both of the eagle dive toward it together both of them shoot down toward Banjo in high speed.

Banjo seeing the attack was coming toward him not made him falter and instead it tightens its fist on its right arm and punches toward the two incoming eagles, the fist was burning and when the punch was launched it also contains the power of fire element.

A fist of fire was formed with that punch and it went toward the two eagles, seeing the fire fist coming toward them the two eagles dodged it yet their feather still get burned by the fire fist. The two eagles fall down the sky sensing the opportunity to attack Banjo run toward one of the falling eagles to attack it.

"Banjo uses your finishing move and kills one of them, the other one will be dead meat if one of them was killed." Knowing that this was the opportunity to kill one of the eagles and change the flow of battle after one of them was killed Banjo would be able to kill the other one if no one helps it and after finishing all of the Noble Tier monsters the eagles will have no hope to win anymore.

Banjo jumped high when it was already near one of the fallen eagles the one that its target was the strongest among the two eagles while jumping Banjo its body becomes covered in fire.

The fiery gorilla form elbow drops to attack the fallen eagle the poor eagle tried to evade but not fast enough to do so.


A crater formed where Banjo dropped down the grass around it was burned by the attack from the fiery gorilla, the eagle that wasn't dead yet with that attack and still able to move but its body was damaged badly after the attack its wing had already broken along with its other bone.

Not giving the eagle a rest Banjo throw a continuous punch toward the heavily injured eagle on the ground.


The fist collided with the eagle's body further destroying its body and before long the eagle lay down motionless on the ground.

The other eagle that sees its companion dead in front of him wasn't enraged instead it becomes filled with dread since it only thinks that they can win because of their advantage in number.

The eagles hurriedly flap its wing and preparing to take a flight once more toward the sky not to continue fighting but to run away as far as possible from the battlefield afraid of being killed.

Even though the Eagles already became a monster now they still don't pose that much of intelligent, their action still relies on their instinct they born with.

It could be seen that all of the monsters in the world still rely on their instinct while some had begun to have an intelligent that help them in their lives.

The two eagles had made the wrong choice by continuing their fight instead of running away, their intelligent had grown only a little yet they ignore their instinct and choose to follow their thought that lead toward their doom.