Azure Dragon District

Hans hides his shock deep in his heart but he looks at the man carefully, he should be still young on his twenty he had an aura of heroism around him but in history, he was portrayed as a nearly unchallenged warrior who was also a ruthless and impulsive brute bereft of morals. But this guy is amiable and look kind how can it be the same person, wait this world is different than earth that means he will surely be different.

He looks at him and falls into deep thought, the man is a Chinese with green eyes and obviously had good talent in riding his body is quite muscular too. The man had short black hair and handsome face, no one knows exactly how Lu Bu on earth look like though it was never recorded in history so he doesn't know much about Lu Bu's Physical appearance.

"Where are you from?" Hans was seated cross-legged near him, he asked him about his origin. He wants to know more about him because he might be Lu Bu of this world.

He seems to not expected that he would ask such question before letting out a smile and said. "Young master, this one come from Azure Dragon District of the Northen Region."

"Why you come to the Eastern Region there is many Guild in the North right?" As far as he knows the Northen Region is filled with people from the East, West, South and Central Asia from what he had seen and known that what he could describe the region.

But most of the population were Chinese and Indian people even in this world their population is the largest in the world, but most of the Chinese live in the Azure Dragon Province though. In the southern region, the people consisted of people of Japanese, Chinese, South Korean and Southeast Asian people.

The North is larger than the other region in the Eastern continent while the South is the smallest but it still larger than Australian Continent on earth, the world of Jeremia is bigger than earth that people still had plenty of places that still a wilderness even with the same population on earth that's also why there are not many wars happen in this world.

Even the war is mostly happening because of power struggle instead of a war against another country, this world formerly has many different countries before it unified under the World Union Government this wouldn't happen without a man named Charles Lannister that have a dream to unify the world not for world domination but for peace of the world.

He was the president of a big country he was in his thirty when elected as president of that country with his speech and ability he begins to spread he believes that the world needs to be unified under one government, Many people think that he was crazy but he not falter and continued his dream.

He started with his own people, the people under his rule with the speech given they believe that it was possible to happen then that believe spread to the other country until it covered the whole world, in the end all of the leader in the world form a joint government known as World Union Government with all of the leaders in the world at that time become an elder council of the world who decided the government course but still the government need a leader, in the end, Charles was elected to be a president.

The first president of the World Union Government Charles Lannister was elected 30 years ago by the world's elder council when the "World Transformation" happen the whole world was already unified and can face it as a whole. Because of that the whole world able to face it easier since the people of the world help each other,

The military of the world has become one, in the end, it was able to prevent a lot of damage to happen to the whole world, the president now becomes one of the elder council of the World Union Government. He is older than the Guild Master of Eternal Rain almost at his seventy.

"Young Master, your father safe my family from demise two years after the world transformation started the village where my family life was invaded with by many monsters luckily your father accepted the government request to exterminate the village." When he said his father's name, Hans could see that he was really revered him.

"My father does that because of request you do not need to be thankful like that right?" Hans is confused why would he revered his father like that?

"Let me tell you this young master, back then my family lives deep inside the plateau of the Northen Region that place is difficult to access but your father leads his best man to reach my hometown from far away. Not only that your father's task is to exterminate the monster instead of helping my village, don't you see your father help my village, not because of the task given by the government instead of it's by his free will." He narrated the story of his father helping his village, how his father storms the monster with his dragon.

"He was our savior many people were saved by him and his group from what I heard there were only fourteen members including your father then it grows larger and larger, it grows larger not because he recruits people but people volunteering themselves to join him." The more he talked about him the more Hans feel like that he was talking about someone else, he only remembers his father being a cheerful guy who likes to joke around and a bit clumsy that's all.


In a snowy mountain pile of monster, the corpse was forming a mountain, in front of it was a man that leans himself on a dragon.


The man sneezed without any warning shocked the dragon and he was dropped on the ground after losing balance because the dragon moves, someone approaching him and asked, "Sir are you alright?"

"I am fine Max, go help the other to take care of that corpse." The man is Hendrick and the dragon he leans to was his soul card Razor, he leads a team toward the East where is the Sky Piercing Mountain is located and had already taken care of all Noble Tier underling of the Lord Tier monster in Dusk Dawn Forest.

"Yes sir" Max saluted him before going toward a crowd of people that surround Samantha, he gazes at the west and thought, 'I wonder how Hans is right now? I hope he is okay'