Primordial Forest

The flood dragon let all of them ride his back, he said that their destination is quite far from here it would waste some time to go by land. Hans planned to summon Diablo but he realized that Diablo's speed wouldn't enough for following Ji, he was a Lord Tier monster after all their speed can't be compared.

In the end, he chooses to join the other member and ride on the flood dragon's back, seeing that everyone had ridden his back the dragon rose to the sky carrying all of them with him. Some of the members are hugging tightly the dragon's body they seem too afraid while the other is more composed than them especially Hans who have a flying dragon. The crane also followed behind them, its speed is lower than the dragon as there is some distance between both of them.

Hans look at the dragon and examined it carefully, the dragon had two wings that seem to be too small for its body yet the dragon is able to fly without a problem, he wonders how his wing can support his body to fly high in the sky like this.

"We arrive at our destination already." The dragon descends down in front of a vast forest that seems to don't have a boundary, the forest's tree is at least meter high and there were many vines spread around all of the trees in the forest. Their journey had to take at least half an hour before they arrived in the forest's boundary, they will need more time if they walk instead of flying that's for sure.

The whole team gets down from the dragon's back, some of them get dizzy when they landed on the ground and even puke out. The dragon shakes its head and said, "Human has a weak body, I should have slowed down a little."

Hans can't help but laugh a little hearing him saying that even if he slowed down a little he thinks that it wouldn't make any difference since even he who already used to ride flying monster is affected too just like the other after riding the dragon.

The speed of the dragon is even faster than when Diablo is buffed with his [Fleeting Wind] there is no way for normal people to stand it without getting dizzy, even his brother is currently touching his head with his hand.

"I don't think that will do anything though, anyway why we are here? This place should be the Primordial Forest right?" Ryouma asked the dragon, he knows what kind of place this forest is. The Primordial forest is a rain forest that filled with any kinds of dangerous monster, no one wants to be here for too long since there is a high chance that they will be attacked by many poisonous monster dwelling inside the forest.

"Right, this place is called Primordial Forest just like you said. There are some people that you need to meet here, they asked me to find human for them."

"Why they looking for human? and what are they?" Ryouma asked while still rubbing his head with his hand, he obviously still not recover from the dizziness.

The dragon opened his mouth and said."They are from other world just like me, they come from the same world with me and I have some connection with them. I know one of their elder who asks me a favor, he said to me to look for a human that had some influence in this world.

"I also don't know the detail, you may ask him about it later when you meet him. They live inside this forest, just go straight ahead and you will find them don't stray away from your path. you must be their leader tight? here hold this." The dragon gives Ryouma his dragon scale.

"What is this for?" He held the dragon scale in his hand while examine it carefully trying to guess what did the dragon want by giving him his scale, he doesn't think that it was his parting gift for them.

"The place that those people live in is covered with bewildering fog that will twist your sense and hide their home, you will need it to enter their city. Good Bye" The dragon takes off once more without asking if they understand what he had said or not, he flies back toward the lake along with the crane.

"Let's go everyone." The whole team under the leadership of Ryouma entered the Primordial Forest, every single of them could feel that there was a huge change of humidity when they entered the forest.

The rainforest is teeming with animals and insects, all of them could hear a concert of humming, thrumming, buzzing and chirping. Frogs, cicadas, monkeys, and birds make some of the loudest rainforest sounds. they do not see any of these creatures, though, since they hide in the thick foliage and high up in the canopy.

It was difficult for them to get around. Fallen trees, brambles, rocks, and dead leaves make the ground hard to travel through. There isn't many path way that they can take to procced with their path,there is high diversity of ferns, small flowering plants, and insects around them that they know that some of them are eyeing them right now.

'This forest is even vaster than Amazon rain forest on earth.' Hans keep looking around curiously, he feel many eyes gazing at him occasionally yet he can't see the one that make him feel that way. He guess that the culprit is hiding in top of the tree, while monitoring them from above.

"Everyone, prepare to fight we got company right now." Hans told them his finding, the team become even more tense after hearing what he said. Their trip will not be an easy one for them, this forest will become tough obscatle for them.

"Form a circle, the stronger card master in the front while the weaker should be inside of the circle." Ryouma ordered the team to make a circle where they can fight back the enemy, the team formed a circle and watch their surrounding carefully.