Facing a Noble Tier Monster

[Monster Name]: Skeleton Grave Keeper

[Monster Level] : 31

[Monster Grade] : Green

[Monster Condition] : Dead

[Monster Potential] : 40

[Monster Weakness]: Light

[Monster Type] : Undead

[Monster Element] : Dark/Death

[Monster Skill] : [Skull Crusher Fist Level 2] [Bone Strengthening Level 2] [Flame of The Undead Level 1] [Undead Aura Level 1]

[Monster Ability] : [Dreadful Aura]

[Monster Bloodline] : 100% Skeleton Grave Keeper

[Monster Evolution Path] :

[Monster Description]: The Skeleton Grave Keeper only have one purpose in its life and that's is to protect the graveyard where they born and will always live on. If one day you stumbled upon a graveyard prepare for the wrath of the grave keeper for trespassing their sacred land, death upon the trespasser.

"Let's do this, come out Solaire, Vlad." Hans summoned two of his monster to face the monster, his monster should be weaker if they fight it alone but the two won't fight it by themselves instead they will face it together.

"Vlad [Blood Rage] spread your wing, Sol [Sun Rage] show it the power of the sun." Taking the initiative Hans ordered his monster to attack first, Blood wing spread out of Vlad's back and it rushes directly toward the grave keeper.

Meanwhile, Sol looks up toward the sky to see the sun up in the air, even though the place is dark there are still many places that had hit by the sunlight. The moose go toward one of the places that get hit by, its eyes gleaming under the sunlight as if Sol was praising the brilliance of the sun.

Sol's body glow in golden color every part of its body let out golden shine that cast away the darkness around it.

[Sun's Rage]

Boost the user power with the blessing of the sun the effect has doubled the power and speed of the user for 15 minutes. The skill can only be used when there is sunlight shining upon the user, capable of weakening undead monster's power by 20%.

Golden light touch grave keeper's body, it moves its body backward avoiding the golden light as it moves a crimson shadow attacked it from its right side without warning.


Its body is shaken by the attack not giving the enemy to rest Vlad continued his assault, he continued to lash out its claw toward skeleton body of the enemy.

Angered by its relentless attack the grave keeper creates a gray flame on its hand, the hand is covered by gray flame as it slashed down toward Vlad. Seeing the attack Vlad not panicked instead it spread its wing and dodge the attack by passing through the gap when it attacks.


Vlad destroyed its rib bone with his claw, not stopping under Hans' command he uses [Brutal Claw] before he only attacks with the effect of blood rage but now under the effect of [Brutal Claw] Vlad launch another attack aimed at its leg.

The grave keeper not allowing it to just happen its whole body that made up from bone glistened with white light, it looks sturdier than before as he sees this Hans know that it was [Bone Strenghtening] effect.

[Bone Strengthening]

Increase the sturdiness and defense of the user's bone for 5 minutes. The bone gained reflecting effect when the skill still in effect.

Cooldown: 10 minute

'Shit, it reflects the attack'


As Vlad's claw hit the bone his body trembled when making contact with the bone, he hurriedly distancing himself from the grave keeper.

"Wait for the effect to wear off first, Sol your turn [Blade of The Sun]." Not wasting any breath Hans ordered Solaire to attack, from the skill description he knows to reflect only work with a physical attack. The elemental attack would be able to penetrate through the effect albeit still affected by increase net of the enemy defense since the enemy's skill increase both physical and magical defense.

Three golden swords manifested above Solaire, all of them aimed toward the grave keeper.

The sword shoot toward the grave keeper with high speed, the grave keeper clench its fist tightly and send out a punch to face the golden sword.


A loud explosion happens as they make contact thick smoke hide the result of their exchange just now but it soon disappeared revealing still standing grave keeper. the arm that was used to face the sword had its bone cracked and it even lose some of its fingers.

Clearly angered it rush toward Solaire, the grave keeper's presence suddenly become more terrifying than before.

"It must be an effect of [Dreadful Aura]." Hans also affected by the aura, he grits his teeth and not letting himself defeated by it. "[Sun's Charge] let's face it head-on."

The two monsters rush toward each other, Solaire in just a breath of time had neared the grave keeper. The two collided with each other as its body is smaller, Solaire is sent flying backward

and crashed toward a tree.

"Ugh...that's got to be hurt. " Hans could feel Solaire's pain as it sends flying by the grave keeper, even though Solaire isn't his soul card is still a monster that bound to his soul and like that he can feel his boys feeling and emotion.

"Vlad keep it busy, we may not able to defeat it but we should be able to hold it down." Vlad attacked the grave keeper once more, he also affected by the aura but still manage to shake it off.

Seeing that it was attacked again, the grave keeper swings its fist once more where Vlad dodged it with his speed. The two exchanged attack continuously but most of the attack was dodged by Vlad while the grave keeper was injured slightly.

Change happens to the grave keeper before its aura had become terrifying but now its turns ghastly, Hans sees that its bone started to heal as the crack on its bone mended slowly.

"This is not good news." Hans turns his head to see the other grave keepers also let out the same aura as the one he faces, the thing had turned grim for them.