Might of a Death Lord : Part 2

"What is that? my monster actually not injured after getting hit by the enemy." Ryouma know that it is impossible for his monster not taking any damage when get hit by the enemy, but right now he sees that his monster is completely fine.

"Nothing special it just the newfound power that I get, let's not talk about it and focus on killing these two first."

Ryouma only stare at him before smiling a little, 'my little brother had grown up.' thought him.

"You guys stand back to let me and Hans fight these two Lord Tier monster." He shouted to the team member behind them.

"Yes, sir."

"Let's do this then," Hans ordered the Noble Tier grave keeper under his control to attack first, maybe they think that it was their ally but the two Lord Tier grave keeper no guarding at all against the grave keeper under his control.

Just like before it charged at one of the grave keepers and lock its movement under Hans' control, the other grave keeper not done anything seeing that its fellow grave keeper fighting each other.

Suddenly a large figure crashed with its body without the standing grave keeper even realized, it tumbling down the ground. It opened its mouth seems to be furious at what just happen, it sees the shadow behemoth who attack it and get up planning to counter-attack.

Not letting it rest a gorilla and a badger rushed at it, Both of them are covered with crimson steam as they activated they're [Blood Rage].

The grave keeper that locked in a submission move by its fellow grave keeper had free itself, it throw out its fist toward the grave keeper that dare to attack it even if they are the same kind it won't change the fact that it attacks it.

Hans not let it happen and ordered Solaire to attack the grave keeper, it increased its defense and use its body to take on the attack.

Solaire uses everything he got on this attack, he activated [Sun Antler] the sunlight covered its antler showing the brilliance and holiness of the sun.

The two collided and Solaire is pushed back by the grave keeper in their exchange of blow, of course, it's already amazing for a Commander Tier to not send flying by a Lord Tier monster after exchanging a blow with it.

The grave keeper let out its aura once more and healed its wound faster.

"We need to do something about their regeneration." Ryouma know that it would be hard for them to continue to fight these monster without taking care of their regeneration first.

"Leave it to me, return Solaire." Hans returned Solaire back into a card and called out Diablo, with his ability they should be able to reduce their regeneration. "Let's do this buddy."

Hans summoned Diablo, the black scaled dragon come out and gazed the battlefield.


The dragon roared loudly instantly caught the attention of the grave keeper, Diablo seems to let out a happy roar. He must be comfortable in this place where there are many death energy surrounding the place.

"Diablo focus on the battle and use [Brutal Claw]." The dragon flap it wing and rush toward the grave keeper as he neared it, Diablo swing down its big claw down to attack the grave keeper.

The skeletal hand of the grave keeper guarded itself against the attack as it touched by the attack, black smoke coming out of its body showing that it had been cursed by Diablo's attack.

Diablo breathe out dragon flame and make the grave keeper distance itself from him, the gray fog suddenly formed in front of Diablo from the fog come out a skeletal hand and one by one rise up undead monster all of them had marked on their head it was the slave mark.

Necromancy had increased to level 2 allowing Diablo to have 50 undead under his control, he was able to keep his undead slave inside his gray fog and he can let them out whenever he wanted to.

"These monster maybe just a bunch of Commander and Captain but let me tell you 5 of them are special, go attack it." Under his master command, Diablo lead the undead under his control to attack the grave keeper.

Hans also controls the grave keeper under his control to support Diablo on his attack.

"Let me spice it up [Death Lord's Armor][Death Lord's Aura]." The whole monster that attacks the grave keeper suddenly get armor and buffed, the grave keeper swings its fist toward all of the incoming enemies sending some of them flying yet no damage caused to those monster that was sent flying by it.

Under his Death Lord power, any undead wouldn't be able to deal any damage to monster that was blessed with his armor, the only weakness of this skill is the low duration of the skill's effect and the amount of mental power used.

He feels that his body is weakened considerably and he currently forcing himself to remain conscious since he awakened the [Death Lord] talent and use its power he knows that when he uses it there must be a price to be paid for using it.

His mental power is sucked so fast that he feels like a drained lake right now and his face is paler than even when he started to enter the [Death Lord Mode] his face isn't this pale.

"Even if I am going down, I'll take one of them down first." Hans smiled his eyes sight had grown blurry without him knowing.

The whole undead under his control currently grabbed the body of the grave keeper, it tries to shake them off but under the combined power of all of those undead monsters which is buffed by his skill it unable to free itself.

The Noble tier monster neared the chest of the Lord Tier grave keeper and it suddenly exploded, 5 more explosions followed after the first one.


Every undead had the ability to exploded their soul orb it was their innate ability that they have just like dragon's dragon breath, the other explosion is caused by the bomb that Hans placed on 5 of Diablo's death servant.

He is sure that it will die because of this explosion and this is his final attack.