
It takes them about a week to arrived in front of their campsite, behind the camp wall they could see that their campsite had grown larger and some building is being built in the surrounding, many construction workers could be seen working.

"This place sure change a lot." Hans is shocked by the change, he knows that these building must be built during their expedition but some of the building is finished. Normally it would take a long time for a building to be finished, but the worker uses monster to help them building the place increasing their manpower.

"The government sends some people to help too, it not surprising that this building is finished so fast." Ryouma look calm as if it's not a surprising thing to see. "I'll get inside first and tell the other about the situation here, wait here."

"Sure, we will wait here." Hans nodded.

As Ryouma entering the campsite, Dyros approaching them with some of his troops.

"What's going on?" Dyros asked he hang his head high as he asked.

"My brother went inside to reporting about our arrival," Hans answered.

The elf prince nodded, he looks at Khudghumir and said, "Let's fight against someday." he returned back to his group, he ordered his group to rest.

"What he talking about?" Manarion asked Khudghumir, he seems to not know that those two had ever fought before.

"When the group of this human arrived at the elves settlement after their fight in Forest Graveyard, he comes to me and asked me to a fight. I won the fight though, he won't come at me some times." Khudghumir explained.

Marion only looks at him, he knows that the elf prince must have asked about the armament his father gives to him. Khudghumir refused and they ended up in a fight, he knows him better than anybody. He is his friend and only family, he must have defeated the prince thoroughly.

Not long after Ryouma returned and told them to enter, Hans' group and the elves entered the place. The sight of the elves instantly caught everyone's attention, no matter if the worker or the guild member of two guilds they look at the elves curiously.

Ryouma lead them deep inside the campsite, Hans sees his father and Felix standing next to each other in front of a building. Ryouma told the elf prince to follow him, the prince will have a meeting with the two guild leader and a representative from the government who was sent after Ryouma.

Ryouma returned after leading the prince with Eva to come along with him, the two not participating in the meeting show how important it is.

"Who is the government send here? " Hans said curiously.

"The president himself come here." Ryouma answer his curiosity.

"I see so the pre...sident himself!" Hans is shocked, the president always busy governing the world yet he actually comes here that means the president must be put importance toward dungeon after all Ryouma hadn't sent the news about the other worlder yet to his superior.

"I also surprised to see him here but with him here the matter with the otherworld and these elves should be solved easily, we only need to wait for them to finished with their meeting."

"Sis, you know Where Max is?"

"He went back to the city after returning to the campsite, he needs to take care of his siblings."

"I see, that guy must miss his siblings." Knowing that he was left here alone, Hans thinks of something he could do here. He turns his back to see Khudghumir looking at the distance, he seems to ponder about something.

"What do you see?" Hans only sees a hill located on the Inner Area of the forest, he hadn't checked the place before so he does not know much about it. He wonders what special about the hill that caught the dwarf's attention.

"My feeling told me that there must be a good mineral on that hill, the dwarf is good at searching for mineral," Khudghumir explained that he feels the existence of mineral in that hill.

"Then let's go look at that place, it will be boring just wait for the meeting to over here. Let's go."

Hans excitedly said.

"This dwarf will go then you come along to Manarion."


"Then it's decided, how about you brother?" Hans asked Ryouma but soon he finds that he had disappeared from his place, he looks for him and finds that his brother and Eva is walking together they seem to tour the campsite.

"So he won't come along huh, Lu Bu follow us then."

"Yes, young master."

Hans' group only consisted the four of them, they make their way toward the hill that they see deep inside the Inner area of the forest. Some monsters tried to attack them but easily disposed of by them, after all, there is 2 5-Star Card Master in the group, the two Lord Tier monster in the forest wouldn't be able to defeat their combined strength.

The situation had changed now, they have more than three Lord Tier monster on their side while before they only had two of them. The threat the two Lord Tier monster poses had gone down but still two Lord Tier isn't something to look down upon.

"What kind of mineral do you think we will find on that hill?" Hans asked he was riding Solaire along with Khudghumir behind him.

"How should I know about it, we will know when we get there. Anyway, you should give your mount a saddle, it will be easier for you to ride it." Khudghumir was holding Hans' shoulder, Hans could feel heavy object pressing on his shoulder but he not speak about it.

Hans smiled as he said."Then make me two saddles then, I'll put the other one on Diablo."

"Sure, I will make two saddles for you but you should give me the material okay?"

"Okay, that's fine for me."

Hans looks at the front to see a hill in front of him, there are many trees on the hill which bear many kinds of fruit as he looks at the hill he couldn't help but feel something is wrong with the hill.