Unknown Girl

The sky filled with shining star the shine become more beautiful as the night become darker among all of the stars is the full moon which shines the world with all of the light it has the ground is filled with white flower, their beauty is no less than the star on the sky above it among all of those flowers a young man is standing with a blank face on his face and confusion written all over his face.

"Where I am? How come I can be here?" The young man spoke with his confused he looks around him only to see vast flower field with no sign of its end, no matter how far he looks he only see a sea of flower stretching toward the horizon.

"I should have been inside the cave, there is no way this is inside the cave." The young man is Hans Kallan, the young master of Dragon's Roar Guild and reincarnation from the earth. He slumped down the ground and gaze toward the sky his mind is filled with confusion right now, his mind is in disarray and chaotic.

"Hans." A soft voice calls out his name but no one was there around him but he doesn't feel scared instead he feels a sense of familiarity toward the sound, he knows this sound this sweet voice belong to one of his dearest people back on earth.

"Anna!" Hans shouted out loud, he tried his best to shout the name "Anna" even though it had been many years since he heard her voice he wouldn't be able to forget her. A sweet and cheerful girl with long brown hair who always there to for him, a girl who changes him become a better person and a man who love his family.

"Hi, it's been a while, Hans." The voice comes out once more from behind him, he turns his body and sees the familiar face who own the sweet voice he heard. Red Cherry Lips, a beauty mark near her mouth and a beautiful red eyes that look like a gleaming ruby.

Anna, a girl who Hans know since he was a kid. A good friend and a girl who stole his heart back on earth, she may not be the most beautiful girl on earth but for him, she is the most attractive girl in the world.

"You need to wake up Hans, there are many people who waiting for you." She smiled at him.

"No, If I wake up then I won't be able to meet you again." Hans shakes his heart, how can he leave now after meeting her.

"I am nothing but a small part of your countless memories from the earth and now your place is in the world of Jermia where many people are waiting for you to wake up. Your family, your friend and your people who respect you. They still need you to wake up." As she said those word her body started to fade away, Hans tried to reach her with her hand but to no avail, his hand passed through her disappearing body.

Hans looks at his hand then he looks toward the starry sky, he smiled as he looks at the sky and said, "This new world is where I belong now but I will never forget you I promise, Thank you for everything."

The world in front of him started to falling apart and crack filled the sky, he closed his eyes as he knows it was his time to wake up there are people who waiting for him to wake up. He shouldn't make them worried anymore that's why he needs to wake up.

"Ah…hah." Hans gasped as he wakes up, he sees the familiar cavern where bloodstone mine is. He looks around to see no one around him only a small pot which is boiled with fire could be seen near him, it must be something that owned by the one who saves him.

"Where is she?" From his memory he knows that a girl saves him after he falls down, he doesn't see anyone around him.

"You wake up a boy." A chilling voice resounded behind his back, he shivered when he heard the voice his heart bearing faster and faster after hearing the voice.

Hans turned his eyes to see a long black haired woman with gothic dress behind him staring at him, he muttered all of his courage and said, "Hello, thank you for saving me."

"It's nothing, do you want to eat? I made a soup made of blood potato I find around here, you can have some boy." The woman springs amiable and seems to not have any thought of harming him, she walks toward the pot an take a bowl near it and pour some of the soup to the bowl. She handed the bowl to Hans, he accepted the bowl and thank her again.

"Thank you, my name is Hans Kallan. I am grateful for your help if you need any help I will try my best to help you." Hans looked at her and promised to help her as she had saved his life, it wasn't his style to not do something for people who help him and it also not his style to not punish those who dare to attack him or his family and friend.

"My name is Lenora Rosario pleased to meet you, Hans, no need to worry about it, after all, it's normal for people to help each other right?" She smiled brightly despite the coldness he feels when she first speaks, the current her give a completely different feeling than before.

"It also natural for anyone to repay their savior that's how the world is." Hans insisted to repay her somehow, he remembered something and said, "Well anyway what a woman like you do deep in this cave anyway, there is many kinds of monster live in this place" Even though he was grateful for her saving him, he still not forget common sense there is no way a normal woman would be able to come all the way here.