
"So what is a Realm is? It sounds to be something amazing from your word." Hans asked her for an explanation.

"Realm is a special space where it can be manipulated to make any kind of environment and even it could be used as a home for people, there is any way to use a realm it varies based on what the owner of the realm wants to do with it. In the case of this ream which belongs to me, my father built this place to be a great place for the blood element monster. My people and I always awaken the blood element monster so with this place we can get stronger faster than before, but I was separated from my people when I was transported to this place." She looks down when saying the last part since she was transported here 20 years ago that means she had lived in this place for 20 years, no wonder she feels down when talking about his people. She must have been lonely living alone in this place by herself.

"Did you never try to get out of this place to find your people? I am sure you will be fine traveling outside by yourself alone." Hans couldn't help but to sympathize with her, loneliness is one thing that many people can't stand. It was a great thing for her to not be driven crazy by loneliness after all many people who stranded on an inhabited island would go crazy without a companion with them.

"No I haven't gone outside of this place yet, I still need to take care of this place first. My father told me to take control of this Realm first before leaving this place, he said that when I am finished taking control of this place that means it was the time for me to leave this place and seek my people outside." Her eyes are glimmering when she mentioned her father there is no resentment to him on her eyes, she doesn't hate him for leaving her in this place by herself.

"Why did he even do that? He should have just let you transported to the same place as your people right?" Hans raised one of his eyebrows for a father to let his daughter in this kind of situation is never heard before but from her look when she mentions her father, the man must have a good reason to do this.

"He said that I need to be strong for my people to listen to me after all I am just a kid and not even awakened my monster card when I come to this world, I guess it must be his reason for doing this." She raised her shoulder, she appeared to still not truly understand why her father sends her to this place as a kid but her belief in her father wouldn't let her have a bad thought about her father.

'A father always know what best for their children yet sometimes they ended up forcing them to do what they want to do without asking about their child's opinion, my father appeared to be unconcerned with me when I set out toward the Valley back then but I could feel his concern from his gaze.' Hans sighed as he remembered his father, he hadn't met his father for quite sometimes since he departs from the camp back then. His father knows that he wouldn't be able to become strong by staying in a safe zone instead only when he was in danger would he grow up, not only his strength as a card master but also strengthening his mentality.

"Hey! Are you okay? just now you look sad did something wrong happen?" She waves her hand in front of his face, waking him from his thought.

"It's nothing important, I just think about my father that's all." Hans let out a small laugh seeing her reaction, I just daydreaming for a while and she looks worried. Hans looks at her before he hadn't thought much about her look but when he looked at her, he couldn't help but be mesmerized.

She is past her twenty and looks mature from above to bottom there is only one word which can describe her "Devilish", she would attract any man around him and made them nose bleed just by taking a small glance at her. The woman would be jealous of her body but not only they will be jealous of her body but they will also be jealous of her beauty as she definitely would make them jealous. A long black wavy hair go past her shoulder, white pale face which look gleaming under the light, pair of crimson red eyes, a well-sized nose which not to big or to small and red cherry lips that is a look that will make people to kill or even start a slaughter just to see her face.

Hans normally has high control of himself but as he looks at her his gaze couldn't look away from her like her face is the only thing that he wants to see for eternity even a man who has strong mentality from his two lives is instantly charmed by her not to mention to the other man.

Now he started to wonder if her father knows that his daughter would become this beautiful in a level of beauty which will create absolute chaos among the men if so he needs to say that he was completely agreed with what he does. This girl would make a long river made of blood if she was outside of this place, her look would make any men fight other people over her until blood spilled.

'This girl is destined to create a massive wave for sure, she will surely be pursued by many kinds of man who wants to win her heart over or even some dirty-minded man would do any kind thing to get her.' Hans could feel his heart pumping faster and faster, meanwhile, Lenora was looking at him with a confused look.