Samurai in Action

"I know just the best nickname for you 'Samurai' from now on that's how I will call you, remember this okay." Hans give nickname to the undead he created to make things easier for him.

Samurai seems to not bothered by the nickname and just nodded at him showing its agreement toward the nickname, it suddenly turns its head to a certain direction as if something is waiting for it there but from its eyes, Hans knows that the worm that kills it probably on that direction now.

"Huh, I thought that I will need to find it first. Searching for the worm is easier than what I had thought, you rest first in my Undead Space." The undead space is where he keeps all of his undead, he had one and Diablo also has one. His undead space can keep at least 1000 undead monsters with human-sized bodies.

Hans summoned the portal to his undead space and Samurai obediently get inside the space without much protest, Hans smiled as he see this having an obedient subordinate will make anyone happy after all.

"Let's look for that damn worm first." Hans summoned Diablo and take flight toward the direction where the worm he looking for might be as he flies over, Hans see many craters formed on the ground with some hole which most likely created by Blood Sucking Worm.

"That worm must be around here somewhere." Hans carefully looking for the worm from the sky until he see a Rock Head Behemoth wake up from its sleep and walk toward some rock ready to eat it.

"Hmph, the worm will attack that behemoth if it really was here. The moment it attacks that is my chance to attack it, making sure it is not run away is the hardest part." His eyes squinted as he sees that the ground near the behemoth is shaking, small rock keep moving because of the vibration something is moving under the ground.

Let's go, Diablo. Our prey finally showing itself, we should not miss this opportunity." Diablo flaps its wing as he glides down toward the behemoth and at the same time something bursts out of the ground, the worm had decided to attack the behemoth and finally showing itself.

"Let's go, Samurai!" Hans shouted as he opened the portal, he was currently above the worm but it still not sense him yet. Samurai pass through the portal and fall down the ground in great speed, the worm sensed something is wrong and look up the sky. The worm had a single eye on top of its head but just as it looks up what it sees as samurai 's claw coming toward it, samurai had arm just like a human but with a sharp claw that can come out anytime, it needed to be used.

No chance to dodging the sudden attack, the worm's eye slashed without much resistance at all. Its defense is really weak just like the information the system gives, Samurai landed on the ground creating a crater bellow it. Not stopped yet it clench its fist to punch the worm that still wailing in agony as it loses its eye in the previous attack.

The worm was sent flying by the fist, it was injured badly by the attack but it still not given up and tried to run away by digging down the ground but How can Hans let it do that.

"Keep dreaming! Diablo [Death Javelin]" Hans had Diablo create a barrier to stop the worm from escaping but he knows that it won't last long as the worm had strong defense breaking ability there is no way it won't break it easily.

"Samurai, [Soul Lock]," Hans shouted from above, he first needs to lock the worm position and the skill not only lock the position of the target but also stunned them for a few seconds. It is a good crowd controlling skill for a battle, he should be able to find the worm if it runs away.

Samurai heard the command and a transparent chain shot up from its claw aimed toward the worm as it hit the body of the worm, dark aura spread across its body and the worm stopped moving like a statue.

"Don't miss the opportunity, Attack!" Hans summoned Vlad who activated [Blood Rage] instantly and shot like a star toward the worm, Diablo prepared to send out [Dark Energy Blast] and Samurai is rush toward the worm with its claw.

The first to hit the worm was Samurai who is closest to the worm, it slashes it claw countless times to the worm's body creating numerous claw marks followed by [Brutal Claw] from Vlad which slashed part of the worm's body.

The worm try to run away to underground, but Samurai grab the worm before it was able to escape. Sharp claw embed on its body, not letting it run away from the attack.


[Dark Energy Blast] become the finishing move to end the worm's life, the attack destroys the worm's head killing it. Hans smiled seeing the conclusion of the battle before he realized that the mushroom was in the worm's head.

Hans spends some time looking for the mushroom or what remaining from it, Luckily for him, he finds the mushroom still preserved even after Diablo's attack albeit covered with some blood from the worm.

Hans looks at what left from the worm only its lower part of the body is still intact from his experience he knows that it impossible to revive monster with incomplete body part like this, He let Samurai eat the worm's body let it count as the end of Samurai's vengeance.

After eating the worm there is a change happen with Samurai now it would look at him like it was waiting for an order from him, Hans tells it to go back toward the Death Space and said that he would call him if needed.

Samurai is showing its loyalty to him mostly because he helped it to gain its vengeance to the worm, It now swore to be his faithful servant as a form of gratitude, but for Hans helping Samurai was only something he does for fun and to achieve his goal.

He may be able to kill the worm easily but he won't be able to find it easily, he had made a guess that the power of vengeance would be able to track down the enemy so he takes his time to create Samurai and it did not disappoint him.