Unexpected Attack

"Return, Solaire." Hans resummoned Solaire, the damage had weakened Solaire greatly. Hans summoned Vlad out to fight, the tree not doing anything yet as if waiting for an opportunity to attack.

"Diablo use [Death Fog]." Thick gray mist come out of Diablo's mouth, it covered the whole place down. The mist covered Hans and his monster, no one can see them from outside because of the mist.

The tree monster lost its sight on them begin to attack again, it sends a wave of root again toward them. Inside the mist, Hans smirked seeing it had lost its patience and attack first, the tree monster must have thought that they are running away and decided to attack.

"Let's go burn that tree with your dragon breath." Hans patted the back of Diablo, he had a ride on Diablo's back when the mist begin to spread. "[Fleeting Wind]." Hans activated his skill and boosted Diablo's speed, he gathered a lot of wind elements around him as he activated it.


Diablo fly out of the mist with great speed, the incoming wave of root was easily avoided by him with his speed. Diablo gets closer to the tree monster before opening his mouth, dragon breath come out of his mouth toward the tree. Seeing the attack the tree monster not stood still and use its skill [Earth Prison], but this time to cover its body from the attack.

"I know you will do that, Vlad it's your turn now! [Blood Rage] [Brutal Claw]." Hans shouted, a red silhouette fly toward the tree from behind it. Vlad reach the tree before it can surround its body with earth, he slashed down the tree with his claw tearing it apart.

The tree monster can't scream but if it can it would scream out of pain, its body was torn apart by the claw attack. Vlad had attacked it suddenly and without any precaution, its defense was at the lowest making its body extremely weak to attack.

The earth prison is completed and stopped the dragon breath but it soon crumbled down, Vlad had to continue attacking the tree monster while inside the earth prison. The tree monster is weakened by the series of attacks, but just as Hans thought that the battle is over. The wound on the tree's body started to heal up.

"What the hell happened? There is no blood here why its ability activated. Wait a minute!" Hans turned his head toward the lake and just like that he knows the answer to his question, the tree must have a root that stretched toward the lake enabling it to absorb the water of the lake that may contain blood. The lake may not as big as the Caspian Sea or Superior Lake but still, it was quite big for a lake, the tree monster has an endless amount of blood that required to activate its ability.

The tree looks at Hans with its eye that seems to be carved on its trunk as if it mocking him, it uses its branch to attack Vlad but its attack was slow that Vlad not even put much effort into dodging it.

"That's it, now I will get serious you damn tree," Hans said coldly, his hair turned gray followed by his eyes. A portal was opened up figure begins to come out of it, the first one is Samurai armored undead followed by numerous skeleton.

"Let it taste the power of this death lord, attack!" With a wave of his hand, the undead army marched forward with great speed. Samurai was the first to get near the tree and attack with its claw, following behind it the skeletons also attacked.

Seeing the new enemy attacking it, the tree swings its branch to retaliate but the undead army activated their defensive skill. The attack becomes nothing but a joke for them, especially Samurai that have the strongest defense among Hans' undead army.

"Let's attack too, Diablo use [Death Claw]." Diablo dive down toward the tree with great speed, Hans seated on his back still able to maintain his position on the back of his dragon without problem even with his dragon's speed. Diablo attacked with its claw filled with death element, the tree was preoccupied by the undead that it was unable to stop his attack.

Vlad also continues his attack along with the undead, the tree tried to heal up but its regeneration is slowed down greatly thanks to Diablo's ability that affected it. Hans continued to command the battle from Diablo's back, the tree continues to regenerate its body but with the attack of many monsters, its wound gets worse slowly.

"This is what happens when you piss me off [Death Lord's Aura][Death Lord's Armor][Fleeting Wind]." Hans throws everything he has to kill the tree monster with the sudden boost of power, They overwhelmed the enemy with their power and number.

Vlad's [Brutal Claw] ended up the life of the tree as he tears the tree along with its root, the tree fall down the ground nothing happened. Checking the system for information, Hans found that the tree is really dead this time.

"Good job everyone." Hans walked toward the tree, he stopped at the trunk and look at it. Some kind of liquid could be seen inside its trunk, Hans check the liquid and it was the Blood Tree Oil he was looking for his objective for coming here had been completed.

Hans put his undead army back on his death space and return Vlad back to his body, he planned to ride Diablo to ger out of this forest. He should be able to run away from any danger here, he also has [Fleeting Wind] that can help him to run away so he doesn't need to worry much about running away.

"Let's go Diablo." Hans takes flight with Diablo leaving the Thorny Blood Forest which filled with danger all over the place, unknown to him deep inside the forest a pair of eyes was watching him since he set foot inside the forest but for now he won't know it.