Bear Attack!

The liquid inside the cup soon become more brownish, Hans stopped stirring it as he sees that it was finished. Hans summoned Vlad out, the badger still had the scar from the previous battle on his back.

"Drink it, this should help you evolve." Pointing at the cup, Hans tells him to drink it. Vlad looks at him shortly before he put his mouth inside the cup, the liquid inside the cup is being gulped down quickly by him.


The metal cup was dropped down on the ground after he finished the entire liquid inside of it, no change happens to him just yet.

"You feel anything changing about you?" Hans looks at the empty cup on the ground and asked.


Hans raised one of his eyebrows as Vlad lay down on the ground seems to be sleeping, he doesn't speak anymore as he knows that the process of evolution has started. Hans put back Solaire inside his body and summoned Diablo, the dragon's wing still heavily injured without saying anything he grabs a bottle out of nowhere and let Diablo drink it. The dragon eyes are lit up as it feels refreshed, the wound on its wing begins to heal up to be precise it started to regenerate.

"Good, it looks like the potion is effective. Rest up buddy you will need time to heal up, don't worry about anything else and just rest." Diablo rubbed his head on his shoulder, he patted him before returning him inside of his.

Hans turns his view toward Vlad again, this time the badger's body begins to be surrounded by Blood energy and many brownish particles that he thinks was an earth elemental. All of them covered Vlad's body and still growing in number, soon his body wasn't be able to be seen from the outside.


"Look like we have some company here?" Hans looks toward the source of the roar, he sees a bear standing on top of a stone. The bear was 4 meters long when it stands on four feet, its body covered with black and red fur. The bear mostly covered with black fur but there is also some spot with red fur, it looks completely enraged.

Hans suddenly remembers the bear that he kills before this which blood he uses to make the evolution liquid for Vlad, even the corpse was still there lying motionlessly. He realized that the two bears come from the same species, either the two were family or they were just friends.

"Seems like I kill someone who dear to you huh? Never mind then let's just fight." Hans summoned Solaire once more, the only one who in shape to fight is only him right now. The moose and the bear were facing each other right now, the bear looks at the copse on the ground and sees the wound on its body.


The bear seems to realize that the wound on the corpse was made by Solaire, now it becomes more enraged seeing the culprit.

Hans smiled as he said, "I should be able to kill it with undead wave tactic, but all of my undead was hunting monster so let's just do this in the old way. [Sun Descend]." A small ball of fire was formed above Solaire, it grows larger and larger as it becomes a fake sun.

[Monster Name]: Killer Blood Bear

[Monster Level] : 38

[Monster Grade] : Purple

[Monster Condition] : Healthy

[Monster Potential] : 89

[Monster Weakness]: None

[Monster Type] : Beast

[Monster Element] : Blood

[Monster Skill] : [Bloody Roll Level 4] [Brutal Claw Level 5] [Crushing Bite Level 5] [Blood Armor Level 5] [Tracking Level 5]

[Monster Ability] : [Tough Fur]

[Monster Bloodline]: 54% Killer Black Bear 26% Bloody Berserker Bear 20% Giant Brutal Bear

[Monster Evolution Path] : Four Possible Evolution Path

[Monster Description]: Killer Blood Bear, even though it looks big and mean the bear was a social animal that lives together in one group. A female had a smaller body while the male is bigger, a male will leave a group when matured to make its own group. This bear only has one partner for its entire life, the bear couple would enlarge their group by making a lot of babies. Matured bear of this kind will challenge a group leader to take one of his daughters as his partner, once they together they will always together till they die. Don't hurt their partner! These bear won't put it down easily, killing their partner is worse. Don't do it!


The bear pounced forward with its large body, its claw waved toward Solaire but he was able to dodge it at the nick of time. "Counterattack with [Blade of The Sun]." Five swords formed from the energy of the sun revolving around Solaire, the blade flies toward the bear with great speed. The bear got no time to dodge before all of the blades stabbed its body, not over just like that all of the blades exploded.

"Sorry about your wife Mr.Bear, but I think you should just fuck off right now." Said Hans, thick dust covered the bear's body. It was a direct hit and that means it should injure it severely, even though it had a strong body the explosion should still injure it.

The dust settled revealing the bear's body, but contrary to his expectation the bear seems to be fine as he remains standing on its four feet without any trouble. his body also not shown any sign of damage, there must be something wrong going on Hans thought.

[Thick Fur]

Reducing the Elemental attack on the monster possessing this ability by 50 % and Explosive attack also reduced by 25%.

"I really shouldn't be happy that quickly, this guy is going to be a good tank for sure. Mr.Bear, you are strong let's have a good fight." Solaire charged toward the bear surrounded by fire, the bear not wasting any time punched to attack too. Hans knows that it will take some time for him to kill this bear, a lot of time would be needed to kill it.