Brawl of The Monsters

Wounded and the continuous damage caused by [Death Fog], the bear lay down on the ground accepting its fate and slowly die. The fire of its anger had died out from its eyes and only despair remain, death energy decaying its body while it is still alive.

"Stay down and it will end soon." Hans turned back his attention to Vlad, the process of evolution had entered the final moment. "Wonder how the evolution going to change Vlad, his evolution cost me more than 8000 souls point this best to be worth it."

The intensity of the energy surrounding Vlad had risen to another level, strong aura come out of its direction. Sound of footsteps was heard from the forest, not only one series of footsteps but many of them were coming toward his direction.

"Hmph, seems like more guest is coming huh? I better greet them all." Just as he said that a boar burst out of the shrubbery, the tusk was shining brightly as it charges toward him. "Diablo, [Death Energy Blast]. It should stop it."

Diablo open his mouth and launched a blast of death energy toward the boar, the boar evaded the attack but before he thinks that the attack was a miss. A wolf jumped out behind the boar, followed by another wolf but just as they jump out an energy blast hit them all and send them flying. The attack kill at least 4 wolves who caught off guard by the attack, the rest of the wolf pack is wailing on the ground.

Pointing its sharp tusk toward Diablo, the boar charged at full speed every step it takes left deep boar foot mark. Diablo faces the boar head-on without any sign of fear, he grabbed the boar's body with his two large arms make it unable to charge forward. Using his superior physique he throws the boar down the cliff while also burn it with his dragon flame, not end just by the wolf and the boar more monster come out of the forest to attack them.

"There is so much of them, Diablo let out your undead minion," Hans ordered Diablo to summon his undead minion, there is a difference between their undead minions as his undead is superior to Diablo's undead minions. He was able to raise a high-grade undead monster, while Diablo only can raise a low-grade undead monster.

Even though his minion is weaker than his, they should still able to help them hold back all of these monsters. The undead monster comes out of a portal which leads to Diablo's death space, they poured out of the portal and launch an attack toward the monster attacking them.

The battle had grown into a full-scale brawl, many fights take place in one place. Numerous destruction happens around the place, tree fall down the ground, stone destroyed, and a crater formed the place had turned into a war zone.

"This place is getting more chaotic, let's just hope that Vlad will finish his evolution soon." Hans getting worried as more monsters come and joined the fray, the situation will get worse if more of them come.

"Diablo, Form barrier around Vlad. Let's protect him until he finished his evolution, we can't let them get near him and interrupt him." The barrier surrounding the bear is lifted, the barrier is formed around Vlad with Hans and Diablo also inside it.

The monster charged and attacked the barrier in an attempt to destroy it, but the undead minion outside tries their best to hold them down from destroying it.

Hans does not stand still as he entered [Death Lord Mode], he boosted the power of the undead outside with [Death Lord's Aura] and [Death Lord's Armor]. The situation had changed once more, the undead has an easier time fighting the monsters outside of the barrier even though they still not held many advantages against the monsters.

"Let's see who will last until the end." Hans gets serious with the battle, he started to raise the monsters back from death one by one. He still needs to use his mental power to control the undead he sends to gather corpses, because of that the number of undead he can control here is only a few in numbers.

Monsters charge up toward Vlad in great number, but Diablo uses his dragon breath to deter them from advancing any further. Some of the monsters passed the dragon breath without fear, forcing Diablo to fight them in close combat. Claw and his tail were used to fight the monsters, the monsters were unable to advance any further but the battle is taking a great toll on Diablo's stamina.

"We can't hold this out, should I just interrupt Vlad's evolution and run away?" Taking a deep breath Hans makes a decision not only for himself but also for his monsters, "We have the fight all of these guys till now, there is no way we will retreat!"

Vlad's body is surrounded by energy cocoon and as if he feels Hans' determination to continue fighting the cocoon glow brighter and start to shake, Hans revealed his joy when he sees it. He knows that Vlad will soon finish his evolution, his determination to continue the fight burn brighter.

Their battle continues as Vlad's evolution reached the peak stage, the monsters become more frantic in their attack. Diablo is injured by the monsters' attack, but still, preserve his spot and not allowing them to pass him.

Hans continued to raise undead to resist the attacking monster when his undead fall more of them rise up from the ground, but it burdened his body greatly as his face become paler as the fight continue.


Pillar of energy burst out behind him, he turns his pale face and reveals the face of joy when he sees the silhouette inside the energy pillar. "You sure like to take your time." Hans feels a surge of energy flow inside his body, he knows that Vlad's evolution has succeeded.