Traitor Pt 2

"Good choice," The demon king smiled softly.

He's not as scary as I originally thought. He isn't a god I had to cower beneath. Oddly... he felt the most familiar out of everyone in this unfamiliar land.

"Yes, your majesty," I lowered my head slightly. I don't want to overdo it, but whatever floats my boat. I won't die, not like this, not when I have a choice.

"She was right." The king smirked, "She said you'd agree. She said you'd be different from most of your idealistic comrades. Their brave, truly, very brave... and very stupid,"

He's not wrong. I'm a coward, the coward that will survive, but who is this she? Is it Mia? Misa? Who is it?

Before I could ask, they escorted me out of the hall and put me in a room all by myself.

"I don't wanna die. I won't die. We won't die." I told myself. I don't know what any of them will pick, but just knowing that I'm not alone gives me an odd sense of comfort. Maybe it was what the demon king wanted, if that's so, it's working.

So who else decided to stay alive?

Amber's too chaotic to predict. Damon's too neutral to tell. Misa's alignment would be lawful good, but she's also logical enough to look out for her survival.

Everything just happened so quickly. So did I make the right decision? I can't go back, I've made my decision so I'll have to play the game from here

After a while, the silver-haired vampire took me back into the hall... I finally remember what people called it. I think it's called the throne room.

They haven't taken my shackles off yet so I assume that they're planning something.

Before the silver-haired vampire pushed me into the throne room, he whispered to me with glee, "Demons feeds on fear, they're going to make your friends afraid"

"I've already asked all of you this question, but I shall ask again. Join me or die" the demon king said

Silence... everyone was afraid of everyone else

"Step forward if you'd like to join me"

No one... no one was able to gather their courage and step forward. I get it. It's a test. To show commitment to the demon's cause, they want us to betray our friends right in front of them.

Shin's and Kyle's face was filled with determination, they wouldn't move an inch even if I pushed.

Contrasting that, Amber's face was filled with boredom, she's not facing the demon king's eye nor any of ours. Just spacing out, looking to the roof above with only a hint of sadness in the listless stare.

Misa, Em and Mia just looked in between. Hesitating to choose any sides at all.

Damon my old friend. Since we've been sent here, we haven't spoken too much. He's a care-free guy. He doesn't get into fights. He just lives life as it is. What will he do? All he's seeing is the exit. He only stared at the door as his fingers tapped like he was counting something.

Wait a second...

"Where's Fay?" I shouted.

"Unfortunately, she's not with the demons. Am I correct lord Grail?" The moment he spoke those words I could feel Amber's anger flaming uncontrollably, but she still insisted on staring at the ceiling.

"Yes, we have... 'attended' to her" the silvered hair man replied.

"What did you do?" Amber whispered underneath her breath

"I'm afraid I do not have any authority to tell you, darling," he said with a smile while putting his hand on her cheeks

Who does he think he is?

In a blink of an eye, Amber's sights lowered down to the marble floor as she squeezed the vampire's hand tight with a hidden sense of glee. Even so, she didn't make eye contact with anyone at all.

"You may not act as such in my presence, lord Grail" The demon king spoke softly.

"Yes, of course, your... highness" Grail backed away .

"So... no one values life enough to shatter their pride?" The king asked, looking directly at me.

No one's moving

I sigh and took my step, I can't walk back anymore. Heck, I don't even have the guts to look at their faces

"Why? After everything that happened you'd still join them?!" Shin said with utter disappointment in his voice

I stood there. Silent.

"How could you?! I thought we were friends" Damon shouted, but now... it feels like he doesn't mean what he said.

I'll take all of it. All the insults. I'm on the wrong side of this war, but the right side doesn't always win. I like to be on the side that wins right? This is me, the traitor. It's always been me.

After a few seconds of silence, I hear someone moved.

I glanced back to see Misa putting her hands up and step forward

"You win, I've never been the too good type, plus you killed a lot of those pathetic fools that call themselves heroes," Misa stood beside me, but with just a glare there was a hint of anger in her eyes directed at me.

Even though she's doing the same thing, she's still mad at me for being a traitor? Hypocritical... but at least she's not saying it out loud.

For the first time, I think we finally saw the girl behind Misa's kind mask. She used to be so cute and caring, but now her face becomes a little bit more mischievous.

"You too?" Shin said in despair

"Shin. Before you die... there's something I always wanted to tell you," Misa turned back to look directly into his eyes, "I wished you die in the cave."

We saw her true colours and it wasn't pretty...

"Crimson. Act as you please now. You no longer have to play innocent," The demon king grinned and for the first time he looked like a proper demon king.

Who's this Crimson? Are they hiding somewhere in this room?

Amber sighed, "Honestly, old man, you really need to tone up the temperature in here. It's gonna make me sick."

Amber stood up and walked pass me, whispering, "I knew you wouldn't die on me." Standing tall, she stood beside the throne, her empty eyes, still unable to match anyone's glare.

"Amber?" Shin asked in disbelief. Amber had a strong will when she came here. Smart, adventurous and talented in this new world. In all our eyes she seemed like the one who'd be the fitting hero. I guess Shin also expected a hero's heart from her.

"How could you do such a thing?!" Damon said in terror

Then Amber looked annoyed, "Shut up, damn hypocrite. You're as free as I am to drop it."

"Couldn't let me play a little longer could ya?" Damon smiled.

"You're in this too? Y-You... sold us out?" Shin couldn't believe it huh? I'm not surprised.

"It would be quite lovely if you would politely stop barking," the cloaked girl appeared right in front of Shin

"It is quite disrespectful to question your friends' decision." The girl continued.

"Get this over with, Rex. I never cared for this part... I never will," Amber's rushing everyone.

Is the king's name, Rex? You know... that's the least fantasy name I've heard all day.

Em tried to take a step, but Lisa took her hand holding her back "Don't, please"

"Sorry, I'm not all justice and stuff," Em said then forcefully make the step

"Come on. Get on with it already." Amber keeps pushing for everyone to go faster. Her tired eyes finally looking like her soul was in the hall. Though... she's looks irritated... mad... so mad that she looks like she's about to cry like a child.

No one else seemed to notice... she always has this face when she doesn't get what she wanted when we were younger. It's odd seeing it now though.

Even with her rushing, no one moved at all. Not even an inch. That's dedication alright

"I see... Crimson?"

The very mention of Amber's alias there looked to send a slight chill down her spine.

"Y-Yes, your majesty?"

"Please... put them in a ceil"

"Really?" Although he told her to lock her friends up, she sounds so happy...

"These are the last of the old friends you had, correct?"

'Old' huh?

"T-Thank you... Rex," Amber mouthed without vocalizing a thing. Although she was far away from me, for some reason I've developed a way to read what she tries to say.

She grabs Shin's and Kyle's collar and dragged both of them out the throne room as the cloaked girl grabs Lisa's and Mia's shackles and escorts them out.

I just realized the vampire dude isn't here anymore...

"If I may ask," Let's hope this isn't rude.

"Go ahead"

"Why do you call Amber, Crimson?"

"She fashioned herself a new name since she felt that it would be a disservice to call who she used to be the same as who she is now. You may not have known, Hiroto, but 6 months in a new world means a lot of change for others."

"I see, thank you for the insight, your majesty."

"No need to call me in such formality. I am named Rex, Crimson usually calls me 'old man', so anything is better than that," He smiled.

I really do keep forgetting that this guy is THE demon king... he seems like such a nice dude.

"Then please, I insist that you'd call me Ignis, king Rex." Ignis means fire in Latin if I remember correctly, I think it's an appropriate name for me.

Ignis... not bad.