Lies and Deceit

"O-Our village was destroyed by a demon... a kind man allowed both of us to ride along with him... but... Rex... h-he's extremely sick" I made sobbing sounds while I was trying to hide my face so they wouldn't see my crocodile tears.

The guards thought I was suspicious and pulled me aside into a room inside one of the towers. They then starting me questions like where I was from and why Rex was dragged by me.

Why did I lie when I could've just said he was exhausted? I have NO idea. If I just told them that he was asleep I wouldn't have to be in this situation.

Kai you stupid idiot!

"Sickness?" A guard with the red helmet asked. He was the only one with a different coloured helmet so I think it's safe to presume he's the boss here, I'll call him red.

Please don't ask what it is, please don't ask what it is...

"What kind?" Red continued

"I-I don't know. I think it was b-blood lost and lost of mana" I replied


The guards started to inspect Rex's body.

"The blood wounds healed, but he's still unconscious," I said. Will they buy it? If it was me, hell no, but let's just hope that they are gullible.

"The boy's lost a lot of mana... but there're no scars"

Okay... mana's a thing! Thank the lords... so isekai logic it is.

"No... not just a lot... it's a miracle he's even alive. Call the paladin! If we don't transfer mana directly to him... there's a chance he might not survive" After that one of the guards started running off

I was frozen for a few seconds and the only word I could muster out was "W-What?!"

Think... ok if this was a crappy isekai novel what would happen... ummmm... dammit I can't think of anything.

"Lady Sara is here!" I knight shouted from afar. From the shaking of the wooden floor, I would assume he's running towards this room.

Rex... has a chance of death yet I can remain so calm. What's wrong with me? I might not like him, but why aren't I feeling any kind of sadness at all... if it was back at home I'd be screaming and panicking right now...

"Where's the kid?" A woman's voice spoke out, she seems to be nearly out of breath. Her voice was somehow familiar to my ears yet I couldn't pinpoint who it was. She must be running with that guard, if she is then I'll see who she is sooner or later.

"They're here!" Red shouted, fearing for the worst. He barely knows Rex and he's more emotionally invested than me.

"I'm here. What's the situation," She said as she tried to catch her breath. The same woman's voice came from the open door while I was staring at the floor in shame of not being able to feel or do anything.

I glanced up to see what a paladin would look like, however, instead found Sara. She looked older with white robes, but I couldn't mistake those uncombed light blue hair and the listless look she always has.

"Sara?" Her name slipped out of my mouth, it's just too uncanny to not be her right?

Looking at me the paladin was stunned and her eyes widened for a split second, but then she regained her calm and outright lethargic demeanour.

"Who is that? Does my presence remind of her?" She asked

"W-Well yes..." I replied truthfully

"I hope I didn't awaken any bad memories." She said as she started walking to see Rex's condition. "Urazai, Kai" she whispered when you walked past me, leaving me certain it was her.