
A gentle breeze blew through the window lifting my red hair up. The wind had a familiar fragrance of earth I had almost forgotten. The scent of autumn surrounded me as the laughter of the past bring me back to before it all began.

"Getting all sentimental?" Hiroto sat on a couch reading.

"If only I could do that," I smirked back

Suddenly while we were chatting, something caused a loud commotion outside my room. I tried standing up to see what was going on outside... but the pain... it was too great for me to even sit up straight.

"I told you to stay still. Your wounds are still healing, even Emelia couldn't heal it completely so you better not hurt yourself like this again!" Hiroto demanded, his voice was filled with worry and concern.

"Did I just hear worry and concern from Hiroto Terumi?!" I teased him

"When hell freezes over, sure"

I coughed, "Dante's inferno". The hell that was frozen... he doomed himself the moment he started an argument with me... "Anyways! Can you go check it out?" I asked.

"No, I'm lazy"

"I hate you..."

"Love you too" He smiled back, gosh darn it... I hate this man so much... I unknowingly pouted slightly looking away.

"Lord Crimson! May I come in?" A familiar voice shouted as he knocked frantically. I remember this one... that guard Alvin!

"Come in"

The teal haired knight came in and soluted, "The demon king had ordered a lockdown of every portal to every realm and to inform you that lady Misa has returned".

With only a few words my eyes widened.

"What is she doing here?" Does she have a death wish? Before I knew it, my aura spiked terrifying Alvin and surprising Hiroto.

"Isn't she suppose to be here?" Alvin looked confused, not knowing what happened with Shin.

Misa... where would she go? "Leave me alone... both of you" I'll need to escape... through the window...

"Both?" Alvin looked around searching for something.

"Go" Alvin left the room without another word. I bet Alvin's scared... I snapped... I should've kept my cool...

"Just so you know, I'm staying" Hiroto sat back down to continue his book. I'm sure I can still escape if I play my cards right.

Misa... where would she want to go? Cancel out the castle... too many guards... she's not good at swimming so the lake is off. She doesn't know her way through the bottom layers of this realm so she's likely nearby...

If not here then where?

"Here. No one would ever think I'd come to you"

I was surprised for the first time in... a while.

"What are you doing here? I could get you locked up if only I shout," I threatened her

"But you won't will you?" She paused as if she was hesitating to say something

"Spit it out already, you're making me curious"

"The offer still stands. I wanted to say it's not too late, you let me go when you could've easily won,"

"You just want me... because I can break Kyle and Mia out right? I'm sure Mia can just break herself out why don't you go visit her instead?" My voice was normal, but it hid some bitterness towards Mia.

"I know you don't like Mia, but we both know she's in no condition to think straight"

"Just a little pain ain't gonna kill 'em" I smiled... Mia Mia Mia... always making my best not enough...

Perfect princess Mia... "She got what she deserved" I whispered, trying to avoid eye contact with Misa.

"Mia is a good person! You deserved to be in her place. You don't deserve to be here!"

"Right and the world is so very kind towards good people. Look how innocent Shin ended up~"

"Why did I even come?" Misa said in regret walking towards to window.

Hiroto's been so silent... "Hiroto, aren't ya gonna say anything?" I asked him out of curiosity.

"Hiroto?" Misa glanced back to where I was looking and stared at me. "It's not funny" her voice stuttering in disgust.

"What's not funny?"

"You talk as if Hiroto is here..."

"Are you blind? He's right there" I pointed to where Hiroto is.

Misa glanced at him and stared back at me, looking me straight in the eyes. Her initial disgust in her eyes became surprise and pity. Why is she sad? Did I go too far with my insults?

"Sorry... I had no rights to talk about Shin like that" I looked away.

"What... what happened after I left?" She sat on the edge of my bed. The question was genuine. It seems to not have any ulterior motives.

I explained what happened, the first-generation heroes, my injury and everything else. Looking back, it all happened so fast... as dusk approaches, we talked and talked as if everything that happened never occurred.

Like the old days.

"And you were so sweet and cute at first. M-Misa... t-thank you for b-b-b-being my friend" She impersonated me.

"Shut up! That was the one and ONLY time you'll ever hear me say that!" I smiled back, its a bummer Hiroto didn't want to join the conversation. Him and his stupid book obsession.

"Girl, you were blushing while you did that. It was like a confession or something. It was hilarious"

"See what I get for being nice? I'll fricking tsundere kick your head off!"

"Aren't ya a yandere?"

"Fine! I'll end your laifu with my knaifu! Don't think I don't have the guts! Omae wa mou shindeiru!" I made stabbing jesters toward Misa.

"Nani!" She made a surprised face but cracked up because of how stupid I looked.

Finally, we realized, it was night. The days in this world had never gone by this fast before. Perhaps the other days were boring or perhaps this might be the only day I can ever act like a kid again.

"Lord Crimson! Lord Damon is here to see you" A soldier announces

"Just a moment!" I shouted. If Damon sees her... she'd be captured in a heartbeat.

"You should leave... I'll be alright here with Hiroto. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone you were here and where your heading" I whispered

As she climbed halfway through the window she gazed back at me with pure determination in her eyes, "Come with me... we want you... no, we need you." her voice spoke sincerely and for the very first time... I could tell exactly what she was thinking.

Misa reached her hand towards me... her eyes filled with hope that I'd take it. I turned to Hiroto for him to stop me, but instead he nodded in support...

My hands moved as if it had its own will and my heart ached for a moment of redemption...

I grabbed her hand... and I pushed her away...