Past Hatred

"I... don't know," I replied, not knowing what to say after I threw her out my damn window.



Knowing Misa... I'm gonna get hit and she's gonna scream at me for doing what I did.

She got up and came closer, like a predator nearing its prey. The sound of the grass squashed by her feet felt like bones cracking and breaking. Her eyes were unwavering... whatever she's gonna do I can't stop it.

Oh no... she's gonna kill me... I forced a smile without trying to hide the fears on my face. Amber! Think of an excuse! Anything at all would do.

Damon was... coming in and I had to push her out so she could escape on time! No... she knows me too well. I can't lie to that women. Back then Damon and Fay had to cover for me a lot...

Damn it! Nothing really makes sense of the things I do! I don't even understand what I do normally let alone why I really pushed Misa!

"Misy! P-Please don't murder me... I love you... I don't wanna die..." She came closer and closer and when I was in reach she finally moved her arm...

She hugged me tightly, not letting go.

"Thank you, I knew there was good inside you" Misa whispered, her voice seemed genuine. It's weird how she doesn't act as much as she used to. Such a waste of a good actress. I mean right now it's working in my favour, but who is this lady?

"F-For?" I asked being completely surprised.

"Saving us genius! I mean you looked like you were half asleep but I digress" She rambled on and on about the details, but I didn't pay attention. She kept hugging me to the point where it got a little annoying.

Didn't that coward do it? Did he make them think it was me somehow?

"I! Can't take credit for what that jerk Hiroto did. I was as knocked out as you until a while ago"

"I heard from some soldiers what happened. Can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm glad you're alive" Misa finally lets go of me and smiles

"I'm..." I looked away unable to face her while saying what I'm about to say, "I'm glad you're alright too".

As dawn breaks, it showed what lies beside our little napping area...

"Cave of time" I gasped, such a familiar sight yet it seemed like its been thousands of days since we came back here.

When life was simple... when all we had to do was level up.

Apart of me wants to go in there, close my eyes and forget everything. Start a new life a few centuries after this. Have a peaceful life rid of the pressures of the world.

"Why did they let us go inside anyways, it's extremely dangerous not to mention the fact that it can alter time itself!" Misa shouted into the cave. The sounds bouncing from one stone wall to another.

"Shhh! You're gonna make the monsters come out" I scolded her

"If level 10 something Hiroto and Shin can survive so can we"

What level is this woman anyway?

"What's up with the shouting Misa" Kyle walked up to us, finally awake. With just a small glance at me, he jumps back in shock. His face seemed to be sweating and he looked like he just saw death in the eyes.

Trembling in fear... of me. From a guy that used to blush every time I was around this is a big change.

"Get away from Misa!" Kyle urged

Not even a hello... I see how it is. I chuckled and pulled Misa in reach of my fingers, locking her with my other hand.

"Atrox melior dulcissima veritas mendaciis" I whispered as I pointed my index and middle finger to Misa's neck.

"What are you doing?" Misa murmured angrily.

I'm gonna feel very guilty and be very sorry about this... but I REALLY wanna know how hard he can fight for someone else.

"Sorry, but can you play along? I wanna see what he'd do!" I whispered playfully


Fast reply...

"Please please please beautiful talented great actress Misa" I can't believe I just said she's beautiful... I'll regret that for the rest of my miserable life...

"Normally I'd say absolutely not... but! You called me beautiful" Misa said trying to keep it as quiet as possible and to her happiness hidden.

I'm already regretting it...

Misa grabbed the hand that I locked and finally spoke loud enough for Kyle to hear, "H-How did you find us?! I ran so far... and yet you just keep coming! What am I doing wrong? Tell me... p-please". I could tell from her voice that she was on the verge of tears. It's so real...

"Misa!" Kyle screamed trying to sprint to me, but when he almost within my reach... he stopped.

Does his fear of me overcome his loyalty for his friend?

"Scared?" I asked.

"Why would I be scared of you?!" Kyle recklessly leapt into my reach trying to punch me. His face looked like he was giving it everything he had, but something just makes me feel like he's holding something back.

He is scared... but his hatred made him take a leap of faith. A leap to attack me.

"You've got guts... I'll give you that" I turned his strength against him, redirecting his punch to the ground.

I simply smiled at him and lets go of Misa.

"What was that spell anyway?" Misa asked casually, surprising Kyle.

"It's a support spell. The activation word was just 'Melior'. Everything else I spoke was just random Latin" I told Misa while holding out my hand towards Kyle.

His bruised hand pushed himself up leaving my hand holding out to nobody. I... expected this. I only smiled at him not knowing what to say.

"So yeah! Here we are" Misa finally finished rambling. She explained that Hiroto and I helped them escape the demon realm and I just silently nodded. It was a lie... I didn't help...

"Oh, I get it! So the traitor betrayed the demon king!" Mia eavesdropped from behind me.

I expected every type of name-calling from Kyle and Shin, but Mia... that was... unexpected

"So everyone's awake... where are we going to go now?" I asked quietly trying to not get anyone's attention but Misa's.

"To Shin"