Plan of Action

"Okay... why the hell is everyone acting so weird around me when I say that coward's name?!" I can tell I pouted in frustration. Everyone keeps looking at me with those damn eyes.

The more I question it the more my headaches... that emptiness returned. The only questions I always come back to is why... why am I feeling this 'pain' in my chest? Why does it hurt? Who am I hurting for?

Shin stood up, rage and sadness still reflected in his face "BECAUSE HE'S NOT HERE ANYMORE... and it's because of you". His gaze felt strong and stubborn, trying to be unwavering yet the anger felt like it didn't belong directed towards me.

"H-He left to find some... herbs to heal you faster!" Misa then proceeded to place her hands on Shin's shoulder and smiled. She was trying to hide it... the fact is I know...

I know she's using her nails to cause Shin a lot of pain right now. I can even tell that it's working from Shin's surprised forced 'I'm alright' face.

"Anyways! What are we gonna do now?" Kyle tried to change the subject. Weird... usually he'd look at me with a disgusted look, but he's avoiding my eye contacts completely.

"Well... we only have us... and well only us! Misa filled us in a little bit, but soldiers can only talk about what they know. We need your info too" Mia pointed at me, she doesn't want to admit it, but she needs me.

I explained almost everything that happened in my point of view leaving out some 'minor' details like that fricking chamber and the fact that Shin was wanted because of Hiroto.

So our very own Mary Sue, Mia started planning "We can't take on the demon's forces alone... their numbers are too large. We can't take on the first generations cause they can crush is in their sleep... ugh! If only we had money, we can get adventurers to help us!". Mia walked back and forth continuing to mumble to herself.

"Why can't we just use Leon's army? I mean a hero should have at least some authority right?" Kyle suggested

Yeah sure! If we just strolled right on into the palace they won't totally capture Shin! Great idea Kyle!

I raised an eyebrow at his idea while Mia just brushed it off.

"You know as well as I do that unless he can't escape at all, he won't stay still" Misa glared at Shin in doubt.

"I can go threaten the king to give us an army~ or a hulk" I joked trying to be the Amber in class that never seemed to take anything seriously again.

"Yeah and I've gotta jar of dirt!" Misa referenced and giggled but noticed that no one else was laughing, but me.

Kyle slightly smiled but stopped himself while Mia just stopped for a moment and continued to mumble to herself.

"Yeah... I know I'm not forgiven. I'm not one of you... mad lads anymore." I looked away with a forced grin and sighed. "Well! I'll try my best to be a useful tool and shut up now!" I limped off as they continued to discuss their plans.

The tall grass hid a small yet beautiful stream of water that seemed clearer than the ones outside this alluring garden.

A small rushed sense of warmth overcame me as I sat down and saw this waist-length red-haired kid that has white tips staring at me with her amber coloured eyes staring at me from inside the waters.

My hand came closer to touching the water, her's moved to me as well. As I felt the cool water I realized that the kid was me. During all this madness I've forgotten my own age...

I guess... I forgot the days where the most important thing was to survive high school.

Damn, I miss it...

"Didn't know there was a stream here" A shadow loomed over me with her stupidly long dark blue hair and her soft red eyes going in view in the water's reflection.

What. Does. She. Want with me?

"Can I help you?" I glanced up to her. Looking up to her... something I've done for so long till I finally gave up chasing her.

"We're sending Shin to confront the new king on his own." Mia avoided my glance...

"Oh really? Who thought of that?"

"M-Me" She stuttered


"I don't know it just happened and everyone agreed" Mia seemed to try to look at everything, but me.

"You might be perfect at everything else, but... lying doesn't look good on you" I grabbed her cloak and pulled myself up, making her bend down in the process.

For a moment... I wanted her to feel what I felt... I wanted her to suffer as I did. So she'd understand that not betraying them wasn't even a choice... but I can't possibly say that.

I did. I made the wrong call. I choose the easy way, not the right way.

"Don't... justify what you did... it's wrong..." I mumbled quietly to myself.

Just don't make more mistakes to feel sorry for...

I reached out my hand...

"Sorry... don't know what came over me." I apologized...

Mia took my hand but got up with her own strength and said "You're hurt. We can't have you more injured and you are right now. Even though I could probably do it on my own, they seem to think they need you for this so here we are".

Although I hate it, I miss that arrogance of yours.

"Now! Can you fill me in on why you lied?"

"I felt like there was something you left out when you gave us your story. I would've been right if I knew there was a stream here of course!" Know it all pouted while trying to make up excuses.

"Should've made Misa do it. Your sister's great at lying, especially to me..." I grinned, knowing that she'd never ask her sister for help. She's too prideful... maybe to the point of hubris...

Mia had a gaze of disdain in her eyes... oddly enough it wasn't directed towards me, but Misa. As she looks upon her sister, the feeling of disdain is becoming stronger and stronger.

"So! What's the real plan?" I tried to defuse the tension.

"As much as I don't trust Shin to stay still... I think everyone, but you and Shin should be confronting the king. Try to figure out why Shin's wanted and how we can get back up to defeat the first generation heroes."

Kinda salty I'm left behind... but I can't be trusted...

The first generation's priority. They did defeat me and Rex like it was nothing... reasonable enough I guess, but... "What if it doesn't work?".

"Then we come back here... I'll think of something then... I always do" She walked away and proceeded to tie Shin up with the vines, enchanting it to make it harder to tear apart. Shin, being too stubborn for... well anything that involves potential fighting, kicked and screamed like a little kid.

I, of course, watched from a distance for my own safety...

Eventually, Mia, Misa and Kyle left. Shin waited for a few minutes and breaks himself out. For a long second, I considered to just pretend like I didn't see anything, but I really should increase his chance of survival by following him.

"What are you gonna doing?" I asked from afar to not get beaten up again.

"Turning myself in..."