Break Out 2

"What, but why? If she was to pass away, what you 'owe' to the elf would not apply anymore and it will not benefit you to help her whatsoever." Fay seemed genuinely confused to why I would do such a thing.

The more she speaks the more I wanted to find Grail and make him spit out what he did. Past Fay wouldn't even question doing this...

Shin glared at me with suspicion, "What are you planning?".

"N-Nothing? I just don't want to owe people stuff? Unfortunately, I do have a heart." Just locked up under layers and layers of ice. Yeah... I've been desensitized to a LOT of things huh?

"You're planning something... I know it," Shin ran off not looking back.

"You should go with him," I smiled, stepping back to the bar I broke.

"Is that an order?"

Tch... does she really need an order? I swear the next time I see Grail... he'll need a damn good explanation for what he did.

"Y-Yes," I stood before the gap above the room I heard that elf spoke in.

Now... what do I do? I shouldn't just get her and run... that'll alert the guards... I'm sure I can break out again... illusion magic? No... my mana on its own can't handle that.

I don't have enough practice on non-destructive magic!

Whatever! That's a problem for future Amber!

I dropped impulsively to find 2 guards trying to push the elf down a seemingly bottomless pit.

"Hi! Know where the exit is?" Guess I'll just distract them.

Predictably, they ran after me and I grabbed the elf's shirt and sprinted away as fast as I could.

"If we escape, it's possible that they have an alarm system and we might not escape in time. So got any ideas?" I explained, trying to catch my breath.

I might've regained some of my strength, but can't regain the stamina I never had...

"How about we get captured? I mean if you escaped once, why not again right?"

"Won't they just kill you? Cause if you have a death wish then I just risked getting potentially killed for nothing."

"Can't say I don't... but since you came to save me, guess I can extend my life as my way of expressing gratitude," The elf smiled.

What a weird woman...

"Ideally getting captured is ironically the best way we can escape without a getting caught again... but they'd just kill you," I sighed... such a shame

"We can stop it is morning, I specifically requested that I'd be executed at night. I said that if an elf was killed during the day, the light of the sun would burn our spirits so we'd stay where we were killed and haunt it forever~. Surprisingly, they believed me... humans are such foolish creatures, being scared of the unknown."

We ran and ran, barely able to escape the guard's grasp at times. Not having ultra-speed is really a pain...

As the light of the sky lightens, relief filled both mine and the elf's face. I wiped the sweat off my face as I raised both of my hands up.

"When the moon is directly above us, you'd better be on the roof" I whispered, quiet enough for only the elf to hear.

Finally, the guards with their heavy iron plate armours caught up to us and instantly cast a spell to make me feel drowsy. Before I passed out the elf replied, "See you on the other side,"

"Till we meet agai-" I passed out after uttering a reference.

These guys really do love spells that make me sleepy huh? I felt as if I was floating aimlessly inside a black void. The feeling of emptiness returned yet it felt more... mild in a way. Still suffocating, but not exactly chocking me...

The screeching sound of screaming became fainter... still loud, but not piercing. My heart ached in pain yet I could still survive. The body I was clinging onto became colder... and my grip became looser.

I tried looking at the body's face once more, but I just woke up like always...

I found myself in an extremely small room. My arms can't even stretch out completely. The roof was about 30 meters away from my arm's reach. The walls, bars and doors were made of the black metal too.

The fading light of the sun came from above. A small opening with bars stopping me from escaping was where the light came from huh? I tried punching the walls with all the strength I could currently muster up, but it did was make a small dent.

It's getting dark... I hope I didn't sleep for more than a few hours... I better start my escaping eh?

Seems the guards are cocky, only passing every 30 minutes...

I jumped up to grab the bars, hanging onto it.

Suddenly, while I was climbing, a small ray of light shined on my hand. Naturally, I looked up to find that while the bars may be made of the dark metal, the surrounding frame of it wasn't.

Did they make everything unbreakable except that? Did they not expect me to be able to get up here? How weak do they think I am?!

"Who the hell do you think I am?" I mumbled

Splitting my legs, I pushed both of the walls beside me to fall when I let go of the bars. Slowly, I loosened my grip and tried not to fall...

Thank the goddesses of anime logic! I didn't fall... I remained stable and pulled on the bars hard enough to break the entire frame off. I climbed out easily to find the elf sitting at the prison's highest point in a guard's uniform.

That looks a lot easier... why didn't I do that?! I tried to sneak up on her, but she noticed me first and jumped down.

"Guess we're both early eh?" She looked up at the moon.

"Guess so, but they seemed to come early too," I looked at a blondie running with a white-haired guy from a distance.

Yep, that's them alright!

Fay gave me some clean a clean cloak and Shin threw me a dagger and some villager clothes. Apparently, we're near the country's borders... so getting back would take about a day.

While I was locked up, someone tried to rob them but ended up with Fay 'borrowing' the robber's wallet and buying new clothing.

I put on the shirt over my uniform that the guards were generous enough not to change and wore the cloak. Black pants won't really cause too much suspicion and I don't wanna wear a skirt so...

I gave it back to Fay.

Okay, I considered throwing it off the roof, but they might be able to trace it back to us so... this is the best option... until I can find a fire source.

"Sorry for wasting your time" I bowed to Shin and Fay.

"Me forgiving is all part of your plan, isn't it?" Shin grinned as if he had figured out something. Even though that something never existed.

Fay nodded in agreement "At first I had thought it was useless, but perhaps you have a place we can take shelter in, miss... I'm sorry, but what is your name, elf?"

"Alfie, and yes, I believe this is near Uri. I have a small place there."

"You really are intelligent indeed, general. I've seen posters and heard talks of you in a small town north from here. I believe that is Uri?" Fay questioned Alfie with her monotoned voice.


"You are an adventurer and a powerful one too. From the guild, Rising Sun if I heard correctly. I am very impressed with your precognitive ability, general. Shin filled me in on your current plan and I believe I could assist you in this endeavour for it might help the vampires, in the long run, to have the humans be under controlled."

"Hang on, vampires? General?" Alfie raised an eyebrow at me.

I tried brushing it off with an innocent smile, but it seems like it's not working...

"Can I tell you... later? Oh gosh! I'm so tired! Let's go to Uri!" I yawned and started to walk north.

"North is this way" Alfie pointed to the other side of what I thought north was.

"Yep! Totally knew that!" I rushed away, not wanting to see the reactions to my stupidity.

Finally arriving at the town. It was as if the town was a maze filled with narrow winding streets. The streets were filled with talks about the Alfie, and the roads paved on dull grey bricks reflecting the civilian's lives during the tyranny the nobles had brought.

Alfie led us to her home, a modest 2 story building made by greystone bricks and led us to her guest room with only a single bed.

"Dibs on the floor!" I shouted... I've never really been able to sleep on a proper bed so floor's best for me.

"I am more used to the floor as well," Fay made herself comfortable on the floor. Guess the bed goes to Shin then.

"No... it's best that you 2 share the bed." Shin wanted to be the 'gentlemen' so he sat on the floor refusing to move.

We bickered a little more and eventually, it somehow came to me having the bed and the 2 sleeping on the floor. '

It was 2 on 1 at that point so I had to give up and sleep on the bed.

After a while, they both fell asleep. Silence filled the room... but I couldn't seem to sleep.

I wonder... what's going on in the palace... is Misa doing alright? Will they be captured like me? What if it's happening right now? I sat up.

No... even if I went... I can't do much. I need to relax for once. Come on! I gazed out the window to try to distract myself.

Suddenly... I see a familiar face. Raven black hair... ocean blue eyes... that stupid raven's here...