Guild of Adventurers

"Cool! We'll need a disguise for you though, your poster's everywhere," Alfie pointed at Shin.

"Can't I just use the cloak's hood?" Shin asked, one step away from the door's knob.

"No, skilled people inside the guild could probably tell... but! Popular adventurers here like to wear masks, keeping their work-life separate to their 'life' life. We can get one forged. However... it'll take a few weeks... and the forger would need to know your face's scale," She sighed.

Seems like a pain to me...

I walked up to Shin, placing my hand on his face.

"Forge," A plain iron helmet slowly formed, covering his face.

"No transmutation circles... but how?" Fay seemed bewildered and it seemed to make the other 2 confused too.

Of course, there're non... even when I'm fast, it takes too long for the circle to appear and disappear. By that time he'd already hit me already.

I took off my cloak and rolled up my sleeves to show scars made by me. Transmutation circles drawn into my skin on my left and right shoulder.

One to heal myself and the other to forge anything in iron my mana allowed. Although it could certainly be a permanent scar, it only lasts as long as the wound isn't completely healed up. I slowed down the healing, but it'll probably disappear in a few days. Sometimes I get so used to the pain I forget it's even there.

The moment I showed it, they became stunned.

"It's quite convenient... access to faster reaction speed... although I can only scar myself at so many places before it overlaps" Fay mumbled pros and cons to herself.

It does hurt sweetie... I wouldn't recommend it.

Should I wear a mask too? I did escape from a flipping prison... better to be safe than sorry I guess.

I tore off a part of the edge of my cloak and wrapped it around my face, covering my nose and mouth.

"Let's go," I threw my cloak back on again and opened the door, waiting for the three to come back to reality.

"R-Right," Fay followed right behind me.

"What are you planning?" Shin walked off outside, passing me, giving me the side-eyes.

I don't know if I should be flattered or annoyed at how smart he thinks I am. This guy's overestimating my IQ...

"Poor kid..." Alfie stood up mumbling something while looking at me, I couldn't quite hear though...

That was the moment, I realized how tall she was. About 6'2... how did I run with this women without noticing?!

I looked back, Shin was almost out of sight in the sea of people. Not wanting to lose him, I quickly went after him. While I was trying to catch up to Shin, I noticed that Fay was holding onto my cloak following me without a single word.

"I do have a hand and my name is Amber, not general." I reached out my hand to her and nodded.

At least now I won't have to worry about one person being lost...

She hesitated at first... looking at it like a cat observing something strange, but then took my hand. Her small stature made me feel like I was with my little sister.

"How sweet," Alfie appeared in front of me, smiling, carrying Shin as if he was a suitcase.

Fay's eyes widened in surprise and I... well...

"Ahh!" I shouted and tried to catch my breath, "Y-You... gotta teach me how to do that later,"

"Girl... that reaction was... priceless! I'll teach it to you later when I feel like it, but! We're here," Alfie pointed at a building made of limestone bricks that was dwarfing us.


Wow... just wow... I've seen the palace at the capital, but that was expected... a guild this pretty... I thought it was gonna be like Overlord or the generic guilds like the ones in isekai smartphone or something.

The spruce door in front of us was about 2 stories tall and the width of it could probably fit 3 of me standing straight.

Kinda reminds me of Rex's secret door... that wasn't secure though... I mean I could get in and most of my stat's on vitality, not strength.

Since we're here... guess I won't have to care about Fay being lost anymore. Slowly, I loosened my grip, but she held it tight.

A... Adorable...

Alfie pushed the door opened to show an alluring hall with marble floors and carpets covering the main paths. Looking straight forward revealed a counter made for registrations and at both sides, stood a wooden board with posters of quests.

Many adventurers stood still, stunned at what they were seeing. Well, correction, who they were seeing, Alfie the northern storm.

"Oh no..." Alfie whispered underneath her breath and sighed as a crowd of many races came rushing towards her. Ironically, they all seemed to be newbies while the more skilled adventurers sat back, looking down on them. Saying something I couldn't hear.

"Hey! Can you join our party?"

"No! Mine!"

"Clearly mine is the best!"

Dang, she must be strong! From her face, it seems like these things happen all the time.

"Ahem..." No one heard Alfie over the commotion, "AHEM!"

Suddenly the room fell silent.

"I... already joined... a party! Yes, a party... their party" Alfie pointed to us, surprising everyone that she actually joined a party.

"How fascinating, the loner Alfie joins a party filled with newbies," An 8-foot tall golden plate armour moved towards us, removing his helmet, revealing a spiky-haired guy with a smirk.

"I didn't know you'd be here, Tae. What do you want?" Her voice is ice cold. She takes a totally different tone when she talks to others...

"I'm getting hired to fight in the war. Was wondering if you'd come along. You can bring this lovely young lady as well," He started playing with Fay's bleach golden hair.

I don't know why... but he's pissing me off.

I grabbed the guy's arm and slowly started to bend his golden armour.

"Apologies SIR, she is staying with me." You are not touching my siste- friend.

"Why you," He pulled his arms back to hit me with everything he has.

Bring it on!

His hand's moving too slow, anyone over level 50 can easily dodge this. Doesn't seem like he'd use any spells to accelerate it too. I can dodge it then punch him... but I don't feel like it.

I'll just let him hit me... it won't do a lot of damage anyways.

All of a sudden, a few milliseconds before his fist made contact Fay grabbed it and bent it in an unnatural way.

"What should I do with this attempt of harm towards you, gene- Amber"

It's been a while since I've heard you say my name... wish it wasn't in this situation though... I really don't want to be apart of any arm breaking...

"N-Nothing! I am so sorry I overreacted sir." I bowed to him, ready to be hit.

"Tch... whatever," He tramped off into a private room at the guild's second floor.

Guess he still wants to save face. Smart... I underestimated him.

"Yeah, that jerk should run," Shin muttered. Looking, disappointed that he didn't get to do anything.

"Woah! So cool!" One of the people in the crowd shouted and some people started to ask me and Alfie to join the party, thinking it's either her or me that's the leader.

Thanks, but no thanks guys... we pushed ourselves out of the crowd to the registration.

"Us three would like to be adventurers... please? Does it work that way?" I asked awkwardly.

How do these things work again?

"Here, you all would need to fill these in and you're part of the guild" The registrator smiled and slipped 3 pieces of paper to us.

I... can't read any of these letters...

Come on! The demon realm uses English! Why can't Leon?!

"A-Alfie... I... can't read this... or write this... please help," I begged with puppy eyes.

"Oh, I can fill it in for you." She grabbed my paper and started to fill it in. The things she didn't know, she asked me and the things she did know, she just filled in for me.

"Fay, you need help?" Alfie slid my paper back to me.

"I am done,"

Wait, she can read and write?! Damn... intelligent people make me feel dumb...

Alfie then filled Shin's paper and we all sent it to the registrator.

"Which quest shall we take?" Fay's finger hovered over the posters on the board.

"What's this?" I looked at the drawing in a poster that looked like fighters fighting in a Colosseum like building.

Alfie looked at the poster, replying, "A tournament for newbies so that it's easier for them to be recruited into a party, you won't need it though. Even if you leave my party, you'd probably get recruited almost instantly cause of what you did to Actaeon,"

So Actaeon is that guy's full name huh? I'm sure I'll forget the name in a day.

Fay stared at it, "There is also a prize. 20 gold coins if I am reading it correctly,"

"We're new so... why not?"

TOoURnaMeNT AaaRcC! Hell yeah! Time to beat every single one of these newbies!