Portrait of the Past

I can't forget... I'm only here because I'm useful to you.

I'm only a tool... to this side of you at least.

"Whatever do you mean?" Misa's sweet condescending voice spoke softly through the gaps of the door.

What a bi-

"You might not like me, not right now, but I am Misa, your friend. Poor little lost me. Can't even decide on a good personality to settle on," Her unnaturally high pitch and disappointed tone conflicted in an irritating clash.

"Would you like me to petty you? I'm not an idiot. If you really wanna use me feel free to use this broken weapon, but at least put some effort into it."

Before I knew it, I drifted away from the door. Though I felt chills earlier, the cold feeling shifted. Now... I just gotta play this cautiously. Misa's alone. Well, she has 'heroes' on her side, but nothing more. Shin might help the odds sway in her favour a little, but not much.

All I have to do is remember that she needs me. At the least... I'm an important t-tool.

"It's not like I do that intentionally or anything! Trust me, I would never!" She paused for a second as if she was actually considering it, "I think. I think wouldn't do that."

I really can't tell if that's genuine or sarcasm.

"Yeah sure, totally." I rolled my eyes.

"Welp! Needless conversations may be fun, but very unnecessary. Can you finally open the door? I'm sure you and do your magic thingy and Avada Kedavra the door or something. You are all-powerful."


"Okay, first of all, unlocking door's spell in Harry Potter is Alohomora. Second of all, I'm not a wizard Hagrid! I can't unlock doors on command, your highness."

Don't think there's an actual spell for that here too so it is the truth. As far as I know of at least.

"I'm sorry, I expected too much of you. I really thought you were strong..."

"I do have my limits, your grace, I cannot use spells I don't even know to exist or not."

"How disappointing... then would you mind just kicking it open, please? Having too much bonding time with your own sister is... very... LOVELY,"

"You love your sister very much," I smiled slightly at her suffering.

"Why of course, she is my perfect sister," Misa continued her high pitched voice. Though, with her speaking genuinely, her voice almost perfectly resembled Mia.

"Damn I hate how genuine that sounds," My legs reeled back to kick the door open.

Just a kick would probably do.

Picked a spot to aim.

"Forge," I reinforced my leg.

My legs advanced with a speed that's still unfamiliar to my own eyes, blurring the movements. Picking up speed rapidly until finally, making contac-


The wind violently thrust towards the door with my leg stopping only a few centimetres away from it. Although I stopped, the following gust of wind would've destroyed a normal door.

"You can't break out yourself, can you?" I asked

"Not with my current abilities, no."

"Then I can't break you out either. Imagine making a scene. The palace is already on high alert enough with Reddy spotting me on my way inside,"


"A guard. Probably a high ranking one. His name is Felix or something, but I won't remember that,"

"I thought nicknames were for people who can hurt you. Oh no, I'm wrong again,"

How did yo- nevermind... "He seems strong. Possibly stronger than me, or a little bit weaker. He can hurt me, physically,"

"Noted. If you can't break me out then you're useless. Just leave me here until either I come up with something or you do. Little chats like these are fun but useless."

"Till we meet again then, Misa,"

"Yeah. Later." No sentiment or hesitation... just discarding me when I'm no longer useful. This is nice... no attachments, no holding back.

To be honest... a part of me didn't wanna break her open cause I was scared of my own punishment... pissed Misa's SCARY. Even though she switched personalities and calmed down, eventually she'll switch back and kill me for not staying still.

I walked along the huge hallway looking at different portraits of people held up with frames made of pure gold. How rich is this country?

Bored, I nearly spaced out until a familiar face was found in one of the paintings. With only one difference.

Between decades or maybe centuries... I guess his hair changed from black to white. Can't forget those eyes though... maybe the only shade of pink that can give me chills.
