Piece of the Past

"I believe you have one more person to greet, captain." A smooth melodic voice of Grail sang like a Syrian. Everything about him... gets under my skin.

My grip on the platform tightened...


I'm not even sure if they've already spotted me or not. Who's this plus one with Grail anyway? I shouldn't exactly reveal myself. It's not like I have a real logical reason to abandon my post as the demon king's right hand... sometimes... I really should just stay silent and go with what's best for me.

I'll just hide under here and eavesdrop... that's the most rational action I can do right now. Nothing.

"Don't worry." Fay's voice echoed inside my head, "I think everyone could be good as long as they try to be good and I like those people. You might not be the nicest, but your straight and you don't lie without a really good reason. You criticize people because you care, you know that if they hope too much when they fail it's gonna hurt too much. I can never do that. So I admire you." Her annoying preachy monologue from that place...

"The general of the demon's army is begging for my forgiveness? How very interesting," Again Fay's voice rang. A flash of her emotionless glare.

It's that bastard's fault, isn't it? He did that to her.

"Mommy mommy look!" A sound of me pleading for my mother's attention in my childhood... what's that doing here?

Not like I've ever heard her answer. 'Mommy's busy'. The only thing I can recall her even saying.

"That's so cool!" Kid Fay's voice... she used to be at aw at me predicting the plot of movies. I always wanted a sister. Always felt so lonely.

That's all in the past though. I don't need anyone anymore. Hiroto already took the position of being a weakness. I don't need another person being my character's vulnerability.



Why does what Grail did piss me off so much?

I bit my lip, frustrated. I'm just so... confusing. It's hypocritical... to say she means nothing to me, but also... to rage on her behalf.

"What do you mean one more person to greet, lord?" Felix asked, nervously.

Damn, he sucks at lying... I know how Misa feels now...

"Hello, hero Amber," Grail gazed over the balcony to make eye contact with me.

So he knew... wonder why I'm not surprised...

"Grail," I spoke without hiding the disgust in my voice, "Tell me, whatever happened to that cloaked girl of yours,"

Think I didn't figure it out? The tone she took with Shin in that prison... the tone the cloaked lady took in the throne room that day. I don't forget voices that easily.

"It is well, why would you like to know?" Grail grinned.

"Whatever happened to Fay then," I pulled myself up to sit on the stone fence with a cold glare at Grail, not breaking any eye contact, "I'm no longer under anyone's command so please answer with caution," I whispered.

"Why are you here? What's going on? What happened to Fay?" Damon looked at us as confused as Felix.

"Fay was assigned the task of observing the palace before my arrival, however, it appears I've lost contact with it. Answering both of your questions, I'd like to ask my own. Is it with you?" Grail still had that cocky smile on his face like everything is going as planned...

Damn, I'd love to just see the life out of him disappear. I swear the lords once a training arc begins I will train night and day just for the satisfaction of KILLING YOU.

"Wait, what? Just what do I not know?" Damon continued blabbering something. I really don't care about what he's saying right now...

"Unfortunately, SHE isn't with me at the moment. She's not a tool," A small part of my voice sounded like a child preaching out of care for someone... damn I hate myself right now... I really don't sound like me.

Damon noticed too... he's looking at me funny... "Are you sure you're THE Amber? You sure don't sound like her,"

If he's with Grail... I'll just assume they're both my enemy.

"It is quite useful. You know... I thought you were different. I thought you understood our superiority! Objects underneath are meant to be used. The Amber I met so long ago would understand that" Grail's grin... mad and twisted? Arrogant? My limited vocabulary can't begin to describe it's craziness.

If I replied defending Fay... it'd be a way for him to continue his superiority complex rant.


I'll talk his language.

A language I myself spoke.

If you can't beat them join them right?!

"Don't touch what isn't yours. That toy is mine and if you even try to play with it, I WILL destroy everything you both have ever learnt to love," Bloodlust flowed out of me and I don't intend to hold myself back.

Maybe it's this world.

Maybe it's just me.

But... I forgot... how easy it used to be for me to get what I want.