Break from Tension

"Please begin" Felix looked both confused and determined to find out what was going on. I should've acted like I didn't know Grail, he would've gone along with it for fun... but even if I could go back, I'd do it all again.

Just one thing different...

There would be a bruise on his face! That son of a-

Felix continued to hold me back demanding for an explanation I can't exactly give.

"A lot of things happen in months alright? Now. Let. Me. Go."


I can... just kill him...

No... I can't... just... leave it just a thought.

He's not letting me go! It's the easiest way, I can't exactly lie like Misa...

I struggled as Felix tightened his hold.

I can't just... trust him... are there... other ways of silencing him?

I can figure out something else! I always do! Right?

My hesitation would always stay away if I was doing anything for Hiro... so why is it here now? I know Hiro is around here somewhere...

"I just know Grail from one of our quests. LET ME GO!" I grabbed Felix's hand and tried my best to compress to the point where his bones would break.

Though... I was too weak.

Never thought I'd hear myself thinking these words again... but... I'm too weak...

Though... I'm not letting him go off threatening me without a fight!

"I won't let you go, not until you inform me of what the hell is going on!"


"You really wanna know? Your COUNTRY did a terrible job of taking care of us and guess what?! Most of us are DEAD and partly, it's that.... that vampire scum's fault!" I pointed at where Grail was before he walked away.

Felix's eyes widened in shock, confirming my theory that he wasn't aware of anything at all. His arms weakened letting me move freely.

"Apologies, I didn't know," He stepped back and avoided eye contact.

"It's fine," Not your fault... he got away...

Next time... I'll make sure he at least gets a courtesy punch...

Looking on to the empty hallway, I sighed, "Tell me, do you know why the southern wing is so lacking in soldiers?"

"It was just a command I received from the higher-ups, I was raised to not question and just dance as king demands."

Well isn't that a useful soldier... doing whatever you want without any hesitation at all.

"Aren't you... curious?"

"No. Should I have been?"

"Humans are curious by nature, or that's what I've heard," I brushed the snow off of my hair.

"You speak as if you're not human," Felix joked, but it's true. I am...

No longer human.

"I'm a demon," I grinned putting both of my index finger on top of my head like horns. I did tell the truth... it's a matter of if he believes if it's a joke or not.

As expected he responded with sarcasm, "Oh of course you are, I shall defeat you demon!"

Felix made a stabbing gesture with his hand making burst out in laughter. I remembered this... I remembered someone did this when we first got here. Was it me? Hiro? I'm sure, but damn I haven't genuinely laughed like this in...

I haven't genuinely laughed in... so long. Since Misa visited me? Since when?

Dammit... I-I actually miss it. I miss when this was a simple adventure. I miss the beginning...

I continued laughing, longer than normal, louder than normal.

"I didn't expect my sense of humour to be that effective," Felix smiled

"Hah! S-Sorry... after the everything that happened this week. I really needed a laugh"

"Guessing a lot of things happened?"


"And you won't tell me about it?"

"Yeah" I laid my face on the cold marble fence covered in snow as I see the pinkish red light coming from the horizon.

The sun is rising...

My time in the palace is up.