Foreign Word

"Someone, you'd dislike?"

"She seems like... she cannot stand up for herself or how you would put it, she seems like she doesn't have a backbone,"

I have never said that phrase in my entire life... even though it sounds like something I'd say. Where did she get that phrase?

She's not wrong though...

"But sometimes people can be strong in other ways, right? I mean look at us. You, me, Shin, everyone, we all would love to talk to Fay right about now. She's good emotional support. In a situation like this... we all really need positivity,"

Even though Fay's "good nature" seems fake to everyone, I don't really care. If she could fake positivity then so what? She's been doing it for years. It's me who can't act for more than a minute.

"Then... Fay would prove to be extremely useful at the moment am I correct?"

Uhh... "Well yeah. It'd sure make talking to Shin easier," I laughed a little at the thought of actually getting along with Shin.

"I-I see... my guess is Shin and Fay, they were close?" She asked, still speaking Shin's name with a hint of disgust.


"Is that why... he keeps on desperately pleading for my old memories?"


"S-So... he wants Fay back?"


"So you want Fay back?"

"Probabl- wait! I didn't mean that! You're good too! It's not your fault you can't remember anything,"

"I understand. Thank you very much, gen- Amber" Fay walked towards the door and glanced at the mirror, whispering "So I have you to blame for this pain in my chest,"

She tried pulling the door open with both of her hand for it to only move a few inches.

"You need help?"

"I. Do not" She pulled with all her strength, "Require" she used her weight to help, "Assisstanc-"

"Hey! I got something to show you," Alfie slammed the door open, swinging it into Fay's face as her head flew back hitting the wall.

"Are you o-okay?" I couldn't hide the smile on my face and laughed as I asked, almost tearing up.

"Shoot! Fay are you alright?" Alfie easily shut the door and pulled up Fay's long blonde bangs to see a red forehead. Fay didn't seem hurt by the door, but her surprised face was focused on Alfie.

"Y-You... opened it so easily... but you are an archer... h-how..."

Seems like it isn't her forehead that got hurt, but her pride...

"W-Wha?" Alfie looked around with a 'what's going on?' face, but I couldn't stop laughing.

It's rude I know. It's cruel I know... but the timing's just too perfect...

"I am alright. I have been through plenty worse,"

"I feel even more guilty hearing that... how was your childhood, my innocent child?!" Alfie hugged Fay.

"Warm. So... warm... is this... a hug?" A light smile formed on Fay's face.

U-Uhh... she isn't sure that this is a hug... I can't-

"Hey, you guys are being lou-" Shin walked in to see Fay's smile, "T-Too precious. Must protect,"

"Put our differences aside, for now, let's just agree we gotta protect that damn innocent smile," I turned to Shin to offer a handshake.

There was a slight hesitation, but he eventually shook my hand.

"So Shin wants to protect his waifu eh?" Alfie smirked, before her smile faded, realizing what she just said.

How does she know that word? I'm more than willing to bet that 'waifu' isn't even a concept here... should I question her? She doesn't seem like she has harmful intent, but she's definitely hiding something. I haven't forgotten about that broken portal.

Should I just... let it go?

What if I do and there was crucial information to gain... it's gonna be my fault for not asking... but then again if I asked would I seem annoying and overly suspicious? I mean where's the trust?

What do I do...

"How do you know that word?" Shin stepped in. So... I wasn't the only one who noticed.

"What... do you mean?" Alfie stood up straight, stepping back from Fay with a nervous smile.

"Call me paranoid, but don't think for a second I trust any of you. I've made that mistake. So how do you know that word?"