You'll Never Stay

Behind the ray of the sun breaking through the window, he stood tall even faint... translucent.

"You almost look like a ghost," I reached my hand out to touch him, but he stepped back like it was second nature.

Why'd he move back? "What's wrong?" I asked.

His hand flinched as silence fill the room. Hesitation... from him of all people. Did something happen while I was gone?

"Did someone hurt you?" It was a one-sided conversation, but I can't help loading him with questions every time I see him.

"What are you, my mother?" Hiroto leaned back even more.

"That's not a good sign, you're avoiding my question."

"Well you're not my mother now are you?" A sly smile tried to distract me from asking any further.

"If only I was as kind," I won't push the subject... he's not a little kid. If he wants to tell me he will, but if I somehow I figure out that anyone's behind his... strange behaviour, killing people has never sounded easie-

"Don't worry about it, it's just that I'm glad you'll be fine without me," He placed his hand above my head, not exactly patting it since it didn't make contact, but why does it sound like a goodbye?

"You're talking like your going away, just so you know I'm not letting you," I narrowed my gaze.

"I can't exactly leave you when your reaction's like that. It seems you've gathered quite the connection, you think of me less and less every day..." His voice started off sharp but softens to the point where it was almost fragile.

Maybe I haven't thought of him as much lately, maybe I'm less protective, fewer threats to others for your safety, but I'm not about to let my best friend go.

"Shin seems to be more tolerant of me by the day... that's a good thing I guess. Oh! I met a really cool knight too! He looked like some sorta knight in shining armour, his aura was so fricking scary, but he also kinda looked cool!" I said as I tried to impersonate Felix's face, to Hiroto's amusement.

Laughing from my flawless impersonation, Hiroto had a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"So when are you gonna stop going for that mysterious atmosphere every time I see you huh?" I never liked beating around the bush. Who cares if I'm blunt?

"What do you mean?" An innocent smile was forced onto Hiroto's face.

Liar. You know exactly what I mean.

"You come when I want you to be here and go when I feel better, but you never stay. Conversations with you used to be relaxing and I used to be able to say anything I want, but now it feels like whenever I relax with you, you'd just disappear again. Where are all of the references? Where are all of the dark humour and jokes? It's not like I like being sentimental with you every time I see you you know?"

"You like relaxing conversations if I did that," He circled behind me, "You'd miss me too much," He spoke in a whisper. I don't have to look back to know that the douche is smirking.

Frick you...

But... teases like these... they're the ones I miss. Before I knew it, there was a small smile on my face.

"I hate you," I signed and glared back

To find no one at all.

He's gone. Again. He'll come back... he always does... doesn't seem like he'd care to stay though.

"I could really use your OP flames to burn this whole country down to the ground right about now. It'd make my life so much easier if my problems can just be burnt away!" I shouted, monitoring my own volume. That should be quiet enough for others to not hear...

That whole thing just woke me up... such a pain. I swang the door open to find who else, but Alfie in the middle of trying to knock on my door.



"H-Hey..." I muttered out, there're no mirrors in my line of sight, but I can tell... my face is totally red...

"N-Nope! Did not hear a single thing! I was sleeping! Super heavy sleeper!" Her talking sped up the more words she spoke. In the end, it almost sounded like a rap.

I get the feeling she's lying to me...

"G-Good, I didn't say a single thing," I broke eye contact as I made my way across the hallway.

Alfie followed close behind, "So... who's Hiroto?"